
Happy Anniversary NYC R Meetup

March 12, 2010 | Drew Conway

Today is the one year anniversary of the NYC R Statistical Meetup. Starting as a small group meeting in a crowded conference room, Josh Reich established the meetup as the premiere gathering of data geeks in the tri-state area. Over the past year we have had 10 meetups, and two more ... [Read more...]

Spatial Analytics in R Video

February 8, 2010 | Drew Conway

The video from John Myles White’s outstanding introductory talk on spatial analysis with R to the NYC R Statistical Meetup is now available in the R video repository, and is also embedded after the jump. I would like to thank John for this fantastic talk, and for those interested ... [Read more...]

Fluctuation plot using ggplot2 in R

January 22, 2010 | Stephen Turner

Found this nice way to visually summarize contingency tables using ggplot2 in R on Hadley Wickham's ggplot2 cheat sheet. Using the same data in my previous post on making scatterplots in small multiples, I'll demonstrate how to use ggfluctuation() to m... [Read more...]

My Five Rules for Data Visualization

December 3, 2009 | Drew Conway

Tonight the NYC R Meetup will be discussing data visualization in R using ggplot2. As part of tonight’s meeting I will be providing a very brief show and tell, which includes mostly code examples and external resources. This exercise has had me thinking quite a bit about data visualization. ...
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QQ plots of p-values in R using ggplot2

November 9, 2009 | Stephen Turner

Way back will wrote on this topic.  See his previous post for Stata code for doing this.  Unfortunately the R package that was used to create QQ-plots here has been removed from CRAN, so I wrote my own using ggplot2 and some code I received from Daniel Shriner at NHGRI. ... [Read more...]

ggplot2: more wicked-cool plots in R

July 20, 2009 | Stephen Turner

As far as I know there are 3 different systems for producing figures in R: (1) base graphics, included with R, (2) the lattice package, and (3) ggplot2, one of the newer plotting systems which is, according to the creator Hadley Wickham, "based on the grammar of graphics, which tries to take the good ... [Read more...]
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