
OpenData + R + Google = Easy Maps

January 11, 2011 | James

The release of the R package “googleVis” has made the production of interactive maps through Google’s Chart Tools a simple task. Ignoring the some basic data manipulation the below map... [Read more...]

Abstract word clouds using R

August 23, 2010 | nsaunders

A recent question over at BioStar asked whether abstracts returned from a PubMed search could easily be visualised as “word clouds”, using Wordle. This got me thinking about ways to solve the problem using R. Here’s my first attempt, which demonstrates some functions from the RCurl and XML packages. ... [Read more...]

Making Maps with R

January 13, 2010 | James

***This tutorial has been updated, please click here*** I frequently use R (a free software environment for statistical computing and graphics) for data analysis.  As almost all my data are spatial it is often good to produce a map of the results without having to export the data into another ... [Read more...]

The Life Scientists at FriendFeed: 2009 summary

December 23, 2009 | nsaunders

It’s Christmas Eve tomorrow and so I declare the year over. My Christmas gift to you is a summary of activity in 2009 at the FriendFeed Life Scientists group. It’s crafted using R + Ruby, with raw data and some code snippets available. If you want to see the most ...
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