
Video: R, RStudio, Rcmdr & rattle

September 7, 2012 | Randy Zwitch

I did a screencast for my co-workers to show how to get started with R, specifically what a base installation of R looks like, then showing how to improve your workflow using RStudio, Rcmdr or rattle.  The examples are somewhat … Continue reading →Video: R, RStudio, Rcmdr & rattle is an article ... [Read more...]

Spatial Data with R

December 19, 2011 | jeromyanglim

On September 14th 2011 Dr Alec Stephenson gave a talk on exploring spatial data with R (see Meetup page). The video of the talk is now available online. The talk provides a non-mathematical and entirely equation-free talk on visualizing and … Continue reading →
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A Spatial Data Analysis GUI for R

December 7, 2011 | Ian

I am excited to announce the addition of DeducerSpatial to the Deducer plug-in ecosystem. DeducerSpatial is a graphical user interface for the visualization and analysis of spatial data, built on Deducer's plug-in platform. In a previous post I illustrated how to user DeducerSpatial from the command line to add Open ... [Read more...]

Reading Excel data is easy with JGR and XLConnect

October 30, 2011 | Ian

Despite the fact that Excel is the most widespread application for data manipulation and (perhaps) analysis, R's support for the xls and xlsx file formats has left a lot to be desired. Fortunately, the XLConnect package has been created to fill this void, and now JGR 1.7-8 includes integration with ... [Read more...]

Jeromy Anglim on Reproducible Research and R

December 6, 2010 | Drew Conway

Jeromy Anglim, fellow social scientist and R aficionado from across the globe, gave a great talk to the Melbourne R Users Group last week on the joys of creating reproducible results. A subject near and dear to me, but not one that is given enough attention in research training. Jeromy ... [Read more...]

Fun with infochimps: Animated Blog Post Hit Map

December 3, 2010 | Drew Conway

In a few weeks I will be visiting Chicago, and JD Long—the organizer of the local R users group—has graciously invited me to give a presentation. Ostensibly, the presentation will be on my recently released infochimps package, so I thought it was a good time to start actually ... [Read more...]

Data visualization videos

November 29, 2010 | Rob J Hyndman

Probably everyone has seen Hans Rosling’s famous TED talk by now. I recently came across a couple of other exceptional talks on data visualization: Hans Rosling again: Let my dataset change your mindset. If only all statistics lecturers were this dynamic! David McCandless: The beauty of data visualization. Not ... [Read more...]

How Google and Facebook are using R

August 4, 2010 | Szilard

This is an older (2009) video from the kickoff meeting of the San Francisco Bay Area R Users Group. It was a panel discussion within the Predictive Analytics World conference. Video courtesy by Ron Fredericks of LectureMaker (click on the … Continue reading →
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