
Let the Lagging Lead

November 18, 2011 | klr

THIS IS NOT INVESTMENT ADVICE AND WILL PROBABLY WIPE OUT ALL YOUR MONEY IF PURSUED.  While exploring utilities, I discovered a strange phenomenon that I have not quite thoroughly understood, but I attribute to the business cycle.  If I dust o...
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R syntax highlighting for Smultron

June 14, 2006 | dataninja

Smultron is an open-source text-editor for OS X. It’s a very lean editor, but it’s fast and it was written in Cocoa. Out of the box it has syntax highlighting for Stata and LaTeX, but not R. Basic instructions for adding a rudimentary R syntax coloring file are ... [Read more...]

R Language Module for TextWrangler (and a lot of other editors)

February 27, 2006 | dataninja

Via this page, I just learned that there is a TextWrangler Language Module for R. The file itself is available here. To install, copy the .plist file to the following directory Username/Library/Application Support/TextWrangler/Language Modules I also recommend going into TextWrangler’s preferences and changing the color ... [Read more...]

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