
RghcnV3 version 1.1

June 27, 2011 | Steven Mosher

I’ve just uploaded version 1.1 of  the package RghcnV3 to Cran. I’ve made a few changes that should make it easier for some folks to use. First I removed the requirement for rgdal. At the present time “rgdal” is not required. On the MAC installing it can be a ... [Read more...]

At Least Tim Thomas Won…….

June 22, 2011 | btibert3

As you can tell from the content on this blog, I am a really big fan of statistical analysis and the NHL.  I haven’t blogged in some time simply because I have been deeply engrossed by the 2011 playoffs, where … Continue reading → [Read more...]

Package RghcnV3

June 22, 2011 | Steven Mosher

I am down to the last strokes of creating a package for downloading, importing and analyzing GHCN (Global Historical Climate Network0 Version 3.  There  were a few things holding me up, but  I’ve manged to handle all of them except the last one.  Let’s spend a little time looking ... [Read more...]

RGhcnV3 A new package

June 21, 2011 | Steven Mosher

It’s been a long journey and there are some people to thank for helping me along the way. Steve McIntyre, Ron Broberg, Jeff Id, Ryan ODonnell, RomanM, Nick Stokes, Robert Hijmans, Gabor  Grothendieck, Hadley Wickham, David Winsemius, and countless others on the R Help list. The Package is done. ... [Read more...]

Two Castles Run 2011

June 12, 2011 | CL

I did the Two Castles Run today; it’s a 10km race between Warwick and Kenilworth castles. The organizers were very quick to put the results online and even went the extra mile of offering them as a CSV file. It … Continue reading → [Read more...]

gridExtra – Multiple plots from ggplot2

June 8, 2011 | nzcoops

Thanks to this great post http://www.imachordata.com/?p=730 we can now put multiple plots on a display with ggplot2. This provides somewhat similar functionality to ‘par(mfrow=c(x,y))’ which would allow multiple plots with the base plot function. gridExtra doesn’t have quite the same level ... [Read more...]

Making Simple Packages in R on Windows

June 8, 2011 | Steven Mosher

There are any number of short tutorials on making add on R packages on your Windows machine. This is yet another version of that process. I’ve explained what I did in 10 easy steps on the pages, but I’ll give a brief overview here. In the first step I ... [Read more...]

Generating unique random IDs

June 7, 2011 | nzcoops

Recently I was asked to help create random IDs for someone. At first I thought, ‘Ah yup, 1:x (1,2,3, …,x), job done’. Then I thought that there had to be a R function/package to create better looking IDs, to which I didn’t find one, if there is, please let ... [Read more...]

An unsurprising year

May 31, 2011 | CL

I’ve received one those FW:…:FW emails yesterday with the following text: 2011 is an unusual year. Add the last two digits of your birth year to the age you will turn on your birthday this year and you’ll get 111! … Continue reading → [Read more...]

Searching for inaccurate literals in R

May 29, 2011 | Derek-Jones

In creating the numbers tool I wanted to be able to do two things, 1) obtain information about what source did by matching the numeric literals it contained against a database of ‘interesting’ values (now with over 14,000 entries) and 2) flag possible incorrect numeric literals (e.g., 3.1459265 when 3.14159265 had been intended in ... [Read more...]
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