
R Function Usage Frequencies

December 7, 2009 | John Myles White

A few months ago I decided to apply word frequency analysis ideas to R code. My idea was simple: the functions that one should invest the most effort into learning are precisely those functions that are used most frequently in real world code. In fact, this simple idea can be ... [Read more...]

A brief survey of R web interfaces

November 29, 2009 | nsaunders

I’m looking at ways to provide access to R via a web application. First rule: see what’s available first, before you reinvent the wheel. It’s not pretty. From the R Web Interfaces FAQ: Software Brief notes Rweb Page last updated 1999. Of the 3 example links on the page ... [Read more...]

Probability of hypercubes…

November 28, 2009 | Manos Parzakonis

…in R of course! There is a handy function to do those calculations. Normally (ahh!) you might resolve to a symbolic calculation package (Maple,Mathematica etc.)  but that is not the situation any more. The calculations are done with the mnormt package. Relevant functions exist in other packages as well (... [Read more...]

R Tutorial Series: Simple Linear Regression

November 26, 2009 | John M. Quick

Simple linear regression uses a solitary independent variable to predict the outcome of a dependent variable. By understanding this, the most basic form of regression, numerous complex modeling techniques can be learned. This tutorial will explore how ...
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R examine objects tutorial

November 21, 2009 | John Mount

This article is quick concrete example of how to use the techniques from Survive R to lower the steepness of The R Project for Statistical Computing‘s learning curve (so an apology to all readers who are not interested in R). What follows is for people who already use R ... [Read more...]

Confidence we seek…

November 18, 2009 | Manos Parzakonis

Estimating a proportion at first looks elementary. Hail to aymptotics, right? Well, initially it might seem efficient to iuse the fact that . In other words the classical confidence interval relies on the inversion of Wald’s test. A function to ease the computation is the following (not really needed!). waldci [Read more...]

The Top Scores for Canabalt, Take 2

November 15, 2009 | John Myles White

Introduction As promised on Thursday, here’s my second pass at a statistical analysis of Canabalt scores. There are some useful results I’ll present right at the start, and then there are some results that are more or less worthless, except that working through my own mistakes helped me ... [Read more...]

R Tutorial Series: Scatterplots

November 12, 2009 | John M. Quick

A scatterplot is a useful way to visualize the relationship between two variables. Similar to correlations, scatterplots are often used to make initial diagnoses before any statistical analyses are conducted. This tutorial will explore the ways in whic...
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November 12, 2009 | John Myles White

At the office today, I got into a discussion with two of my fellow graduate students about the distribution of scores you can get while playing Canabalt. Because (1) the layout of the levels in the game is fully randomized and (2) the difficulty of certain actions (specifically jumping through windows) is ... [Read more...]

Introduction à Monte Carlo en R

November 11, 2009 | xi'an

Following a proposal by Springer-Verlag Paris, I have decided to translate Introducing Monte Carlo Methods with R with George Casella into French, since a new collection of R books (in French) is planed for the Spring of 2010. The translation will a priori be done by Joachim Robert and Robin Ryder, ...
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R Tutorial Series: Zero-Order Correlations

November 6, 2009 | John M. Quick

One of the most common and basic techniques for analyzing the relationships between variables is zero-order correlation. This tutorial will explore the ways in which R can be used to employ this method.Tutorial FilesBefore we start, you may want to dow...
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Top Five Open Source Projects of 2009

November 5, 2009 | Ed Borasky

Every year, I single out what I think are the Top Five open source projects. This year, there's only one hold-over from previous years, and it's likely that I'm just going to give it a Lifetime Achievement Award and pick five others next year. 5. NetBe... [Read more...]

R has a JSON package

November 5, 2009 | nsaunders

Named rjson, appropriately. It’s quite basic just now, but contains methods for interconversion between R objects and JSON. Something like this: __ library(rjson) __ data json json [1] "{\"a\":1,\"b\":2,\"c\":3}" __ cat(json, file="data.json") Use cases? I wonder if RApache could be used to build an API that serves ... [Read more...]

Show me the mean(ing)…

November 5, 2009 | Manos Parzakonis

Well testing a bunch of samples for the largest population mean isn’t that common yet a simple test is at hand. Under the obvious title “The rank sum maximum test for the largest K population means” the test relies on the calculation of the sum of ranks under the ... [Read more...]

Free statistics e-books for download

October 25, 2009 | Tal Galili

This post will eventually grow to hold a wide list of books on statistics (e-books, pdf books and so on) that are available for free download.  But for now we’ll start off with just one several books: The Elements of Statistical Learning written by Trevor Hastie, Robert Tibshirani and ... [Read more...]

R Commander: A Basic Statistics GUI for R

October 6, 2009 | Stephen Turner

R is a great tool with lots of resources for genetics, genome-wide association studies, and many other biological applications.  We've covered several places to find help in R in the past, but if you're still apprehensive about diving into R's command-line interface, fear not.  The R commander is a graphical ... [Read more...]
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