
Marking Your Graphics

June 2, 2010 | Millsy

Over at The Book Blog, Tango has a post about standardizing Pitch F/X graphs to be catcher/batter/umpire view. While I don't think this should necessarily be the case for all Pitch F/X graphics, it brings up another issue that I've had with some graph...
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Trading for Speed in H2H Fantasy Leagues

June 1, 2010 | Millsy

As a followup to my last article at FBJ, I took a look at the distributions of weekly totals for Stolen Bases to gauge win expectancies in the SB category in H2H fantasy baseball formats. The study is again pretty simple, as I just subtract one hypoth...
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Vanilla Rao-Blackwellisation [re]revised

May 31, 2010 | xi'an

Although the revision is quite minor, it took us two months to complete from the time I received the news in the Atlanta airport lounge… The vanilla Rao-Blackwellisation paper with Randal Douc has thus been resubmitted to the Annals of Statistics. And rearXived. The only significant change is the inclusion ... [Read more...]

Talk at CRiSM

May 30, 2010 | xi'an

This is the talk I am giving at the workshop on model uncertainty organised by the Centre for Research in Statistical Methodology (CRiSM) at the University of Warwick, on May 30-June 1. Careful readers will notice there is not much difference with my previous talk on the topic, as I only ... [Read more...]

Tuesday’s child is full of probability puzzles

May 28, 2010 | dan

COUNTERINTUITIVE PROBLEM, INTUITIVE REPRESENTATION Blog posts about counterintuitive probability problems generate lots of opinions with a high probability. Andrew Gelman and readers have been having a lot of fun with the following probability problem: I have two children. One is a boy born on a Tuesday. What is the probability ... [Read more...]

A repulsive random walk

May 28, 2010 | xi'an

Matt Asher posted an R experiment on R-bloggers yesterday simulating the random walk which has the property of avoiding zero by quickly switching to a large value as soon as is small. He was then wondering about the “convergence” of the random walk given that it moves very little once ... [Read more...]

Testing Out my Pitch F/X Data

May 25, 2010 | Millsy

I recently got all the Pitch F/X data downloaded from Gameday, and have been fiddling around. I certainly don't have the physics knowledge to really talk about the movement at this point, and I'm still acquainting myself with the data format and what e...
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Random sudokus [p-values]

May 21, 2010 | xi'an

I reran the program checking the distribution of the digits over 9 “diagonals” (obtained by acceptable permutations of rows and column) and this test again results in mostly small p-values. Over a million iterations, and the nine (dependent) diagonals, four p-values were below 0.01, three were below 0.1, and two were above (0.21 and 0.42). [...]
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ACM Transactions on Modeling and Computer Simulation

May 20, 2010 | xi'an

Pierre Lecuyer is the new editor of the ACM Transactions on Modeling and Computer Simulation (TOMACS) and he has asked me to become an Area Editor for the new area of simulation in Statistics. I am quite excited by this new Æditor’s hat, since this is a cross-disciplinary journal: ... [Read more...]

Load Testing Think Time Distributions

May 20, 2010 | Neil Gunther

One of my gripes about some commercial load testing tools is that they only provide a think time distribution (Z) that is equivalent to uniform variates in the client-script. If you want some other distribution, you have to code it and debug it yoursel...
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Random [uniform?] sudokus [corrected]

May 19, 2010 | xi'an

As the discrepancy [from 1] in the sum of the nine probabilities seemed too blatant to be attributed to numerical error given the problem scale, I went and checked my R code for the probabilities and found a choose(9,3) instead of a choose(6,3) in the last line… The fit between the ...
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Random [uniform?] sudokus

May 19, 2010 | xi'an

A longer run of the R code of yesterday with a million sudokus produced the following qqplot. It does look ok but no perfect. Actually, it looks very much like the graph of yesterday, although based on a 100-fold increase in the number of simulations. Now, if I test the ...
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Confusing slice sampler

May 18, 2010 | xi'an

Most embarrassingly, Liaosa Xu from Virginia Tech sent the following email almost a month ago and I forgot to reply: I have a question regarding your example 7.11 in your book Introducing Monte Carlo Methods with R.  To further decompose the uniform simulation by sampling a and b step by step, ...
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Random sudokus [test]

May 17, 2010 | xi'an

Robin Ryder pointed out to me that 3 is indeed the absolute minimum one could observe because of the block constraint (bon sang, mais c’est bien sûr !). The distribution of the series of 3 digits being independent over blocks, the theoretical distribution under uniformity can easily be simulated: #uniform distribution ...
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Typo in Bayesian Core [again]

May 15, 2010 | xi'an

Reza Seirafi from Virginia Tech sent me the following email about Bayesian Core, which alas is pointing out a real typo in the reversible jump acceptance probability for the mixture model: With respect to the expression provided on page 178 for the acceptance probability of the split move, I was wondering ...
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