
R Environments for Gibbs Sampler State

August 10, 2010 | Matt Shotwell

I recently decided to revisit some R code that implements a Gibbs sampler in an attempt to decrease the iteration time. My strategy was to implement the sampler state as an R environment rather than a list. The rationale was that passing an environment to and from functions would reduce ... [Read more...]

Julian Besag 1945-2010

August 7, 2010 | xi'an

I have just learned that Julian Besag passed away last morning in Bristol after being admitted to the hospital two weeks ago. He was a leading figure of our field, a fiercely independent thinker, a brilliant statistician, and undoubtedly the clearest pretendent to having fathered MCMC. His influence on the ... [Read more...]

Recent arXiv postings

August 4, 2010 | xi'an

With too little time, too many things to do on my plate, here are some recent arXiv postings I won’t have time to comment: Adaptive Monte Carlo on multivariate binary sampling spaces. (arXiv:1008.0055v1) Mixture Decomposition of Distributions using a Decomposition of the Sample Space. (arXiv:1008.0204v1) Bayesian Model ... [Read more...]

JSM 2010 [day 3]

August 4, 2010 | xi'an

The same pattern as yesterday occurred, namely that the sessions that most interested me were all together at the 10:30 and 2pm slots, while there was no talk (besides the official ones) after 4pm… After another run around Stanley Park, I took the opportunity of being late for the first session ...
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countrycode R package

August 3, 2010 | jackman

I am digging this countrycode package in R I just found, written by a UM grad student Vincent Arel-Bundock. Very nice. Thanks! countrycode("2","cown","iso3c") [1] "USA" It would be better if the package could handle failed matches a little more gracefully: e.g., __ countrycode(c(2,730,818),"cown","iso3c") [1] "USA" ... [Read more...]

JSM 2010 [day 2]

August 3, 2010 | xi'an

After a very good early run in Stanley Park, I went to a morning session on new statistical challenges in genetics, but unfortunately could not keep focussed enough (due to a very short night, still being not tuned to Pacific time!) so I ended up chatting with Sid Chib at ...
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JSM 2010 [day 1]

August 2, 2010 | xi'an

The first day at JSM is always a bit sluggish, as people slowly drip in and get their bearings. Similar to last year in Washington D.C., the meeting takes place in a huge conference centre and thus there is no feeling of overcrowded [so far]. It may also be ...
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StatProb [wiki]

July 31, 2010 | xi'an

Via the [financial and technical] support of Springer, probability and statistics societies are launching a specialised wiki called StatProb. It operates as a wiki in that authors can submit short articles on any topic, with further co-authors joining in later to improve those articles, but with the contents guaranteed via ...
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July 29, 2010 | xi'an

A most interesting paper by Adrian Raftery and Le Bao appeared in the Early View section of Biometrics.  It aims at better predictions for HIV prevalence—in the original UNAIDS implementation, a naïve SIR procedure was used, based on the prior as importance function, which sometimes resulted in terrible ...
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A free book on probability and statistics with R

July 29, 2010 | David Smith

G Jay Kerns has published a 400+ page introductory text on Probability and Statistics. All of the examples and illustrations are done using R (as Jay puts it, "The people at the party are Probability and Statistics; the handshake is R") so if you want to brush up on your probability ... [Read more...]

Social contagion? Maybe not…

July 28, 2010 | Michal

Recently there was a lot of racket about results presented in papers by a pair Nicholas Christakis & James Fowler. Their papers gained a lot of attention both in the academic world as well as in media. In their papers they claim to provide evidence for social contagion (transmission through social ... [Read more...]

A summer of books

July 27, 2010 | xi'an

The summer started with a research in pair session in CiRM on the R edition of Bayesian Core, but I am also involved two other book projects. The first one was mentioned in a previous post, namely the translation of Introducing Monte Carlo Methods with R into French. I have ...
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Statistical Analysis StackExchange site now available

July 26, 2010 | Rob J Hyndman

The Q&A site for statistical analysis, data mining, data visualization, and everything else to do with data analysis has finally been launched. Please head over to and start asking and answering questions. Also, spread the word to everyone else who may be interested — work colleagues, students, ...
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Asher’s enigma

July 25, 2010 | xi'an

On his Probability and statistics blog, Matt Asher put a funny question (with my rephrasing): Take a unit square. Now pick two spots at random along the perimeter, uniformly. For each of these two locations, pick another random point from one of the three other sides of the square and ... [Read more...]

Analysing the ISMB 2010 meeting using R

July 20, 2010 | nsaunders

The colossus of bioinformatics meetings, ISMB, convened in Boston this year from July 9 – 13. As in recent years, the meeting was covered online at its website, FriendFeed and Twitter. I thought it would be fun to run a quick analysis of activity at the FriendFeed room using R. 1. Fetch the data ...
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Welcome to Gosset’s student

July 19, 2010 | respiratoryclub

Welcome to Gosset’s student, a blog about statistics, with a focus on using R.  We’re all learning R, as it’s constantly being improved.  The blog will aim for brevity, and a focussed approach to getting some stats done, rather than elegance of code.  Discussions which show how ... [Read more...]

New StackOverflow site for Statistics

July 19, 2010 | David Smith

Since launching as a Q&A forum for programmers, the StackExchange network is now launching about three new sites a week on topics as specialized as cooking, jobs, and many many more. There's a well-defined, community-oriented process for setting up a new site: first it must be proposed, ... [Read more...]

CoRe in CiRM [end]

July 17, 2010 | xi'an

Back home after those two weeks in CiRM for our “research in pair” invitation to work on the new edition of Bayesian Core, I am very grateful for the support we received from CiRM and through it from SMF and CNRS. Being “locked” away in such a remote place brought ...
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CoRe in CiRM [6]

July 15, 2010 | xi'an

This is the last day at CiRM for our “research in pair” working on the new edition of Bayesian Core. I mostly completed the revision of the chapter on Bayesian imaging, including stuff on Markov random fields and mainly on ABC algorithms. All that remains to be done about this ...
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