
the Art of R Programming [guest post]

January 30, 2012 | xi'an

(This post is the preliminary version of a book review by Alessandra Iacobucci, to appear in CHANCE. Enjoy [both the review and the book]!) As Rob J. Hyndman enthusiastically declares in his blog, “this is a gem of a book”. I would go even further and argue that The Art ... [Read more...]

FishBASE from R

August 26, 2011 | cboettig

In lab known for its quality data collection, high-speed video style, writing the weekly blog post can be a bit of a challenge for the local code monkey. That’s right, no videos today. But lucky for me, even this group … Continue reading → [Read more...]

WordPress WordCloud with R

August 3, 2011 | Martin Scharm

These days one can frequently read about wordclouds created with R, initiated by the release of the wordcloud package by Ian Fellows on July 23rd. So here I am to put in my two cents. I thought about creating a wordcloud of a complete blog history, so I build a ... [Read more...]

Now I’m R-Blogging

July 10, 2011 | Martin Scharm

Today a lot of great mails arrived at my inbox. In one of them I was reading I’ve just added your feed to the site. Where did this mail come from? The sender of the email was Tal Galili. He is a researcher in BioStatistics at the Tel Aviv ... [Read more...]

R package DOSE released

June 12, 2011 | ygc

Disease Ontology (DO) provides an open source ontology for the integration of biomedical data that is associated with human disease. DO analysis can lead to interesting discoveries that deserve further clinical investigation. DOSE was designed for semantic similarity measure and enrichment analysis. Read More: 619 Words Totally [Read more...]

More Command-Line Text Munging Utilities

May 19, 2011 | Stephen Turner

In a previous post I linked to gcol as a quick and intuitive alternative to awk. I just stumbled across yet another set of handy text file manipulation utilities from the creators of the BEAGLE software for GWAS data imputation and analysis. In additio...
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Comparison of compression

April 4, 2011 | Martin Scharm

I recently wrote an email with an attached LZMA archive. It was immediately answered with something like: "What are you doing? I had to boot linux to open the file!" First of all I don't care whether user of proprietary systems are able to read open formats, but this answer ... [Read more...]

RStudio Keyboard Shortcut Reference PDF

March 21, 2011 | Stephen Turner

I recently started using RStudio, the amazing new IDE for R. You can view all of RStudio's keyboard shortcuts by going to the help menu, but I made this printable reference for myself and thought I'd share it. I only included the Windows shortcuts, and... [Read more...]
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