
More Bixi Data Visualization

May 17, 2012 | Corey Chivers

I mentioned in a previous post that our team at the recent Hack/Reduce hackathon had some fun with a data set which consisted of Bixi station states at minute level temporal resolution. In addition to pulling out and plotting the flux at each station on an hourly basis, we ...
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Text Mining to Word Cloud App with R

May 13, 2012 | CloudStat

Here is a simple application to transform text into a beautiful word cloud, Text Mining to WordCloud. The purpose is to find out the highest frequency word in a certain text. It is an app built with R language, the source code is attached at the end of... [Read more...]

R Workshop: Reproducible Research using Sweave for Beginers

April 27, 2012 | Corey Chivers

Monday, April 30, 2012  14h-16h. Stewart Biology Rm w6/12 (Montreal) guRu: Denis Haine (Université de Montréal) Topics Reproducible research was first coined by Pr. Jon Claerbout, professor of geophysics at Stanford University, to describe that the results from researches can be replicated by other scientists by making available data, procedures, ... [Read more...]

Montreal R Workshop: Quantile Regression

April 17, 2012 | Corey Chivers

Stewart Biology Building, McGill University (Rm N4/17) Monday, April 24, 2012  14h-16h Dr. Arthur Charpentier (UQàM) In this workshop we will examine difference concepts related to quantiles, and practical issues based on R codes. This workshop will present quantile regression, and the idea of iterative least square estimation. It will ... [Read more...]

Gaussian process regression with R

April 5, 2012 | James Keirstead

I’m currently working my way through Rasmussen and Williams’s book on Gaussian processes. It’s another one of those topics that seems to crop up a lot these days, particularly around control strategies for energy systems, and thought I should be able to at least perform basic analyses ... [Read more...]

Ruin probability and infinite time

March 27, 2012 | arthur charpentier

A couple of weeks ago, I had a discussion with a practitioner, working in some financial company, about ruin, and infinite time. And it remind me a weird result. Well, not a weird result, but a result I found disturbing, at first, when I was a stud... [Read more...]

Montreal R Workshop: Introduction to Bayesian Methods

March 22, 2012 | Corey Chivers

Monday, March 26, 2012  14h-16h, Stewart Biology N4/17 Corey Chivers, Department of Biology McGill University This is a meetup of the Montreal R User Group. Be sure to join the group and RSVP. More information about the workshop here. Topics Why would we want to be Bayesian in the first place?  ... [Read more...]

Montreal R Workshop: Likelihood Methods and Model Selection

March 16, 2012 | Corey Chivers

Monday, March 19, 2012  14h-16h, Stewart Biology N4/17 Corey Chivers, McGill University Department of Biology This workshop will introduce participants to the likelihood principal and its utility in statistical inference.  By learning how to formalize models through their likelihood function, participants will learn how to confront these models with data in ... [Read more...]

π Day Special! Estimating π using Monte Carlo

March 14, 2012 | Corey Chivers

In honour of π day (03.14 – can’t wait until 2015~) , I thought I’d share this little script I wrote a while back for an introductory lesson I gave on using Monte Carlo methods for integration. The concept is simple – we can estimate the area of an object which is inside another ... [Read more...]

Montreal R workshop on Causal Inference

March 5, 2012 | Corey Chivers

Monday, March 05, 2012  14h-16h N4/17 Stewart Biology Building, McGill University Prof. Bill Shipley from Université de Sherbrooke Topics Structural equation modelling Graphical models for understanding causal analysis Testing for goodness of fit...
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Visualising Twitter User Timeline Activity in R

February 17, 2012 | Tony Hirst

I’ve largely avoided “time” in R to date, but following a chat with @mhawksey at #dev8d yesterday, I went down a rathole last night exploring a few ways of visualising a Twitter user timeline and as a result also had a quick initial play with some time handling ... [Read more...]
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