
The essence of a handwritten digit

August 13, 2012 | Corey Chivers

If you haven’t yet discovered the competitive machine learning site, please do so now. I’ll wait. Great – so, you checked it out, fell in love and have made it back. I recently downloaded the data for the getting started competition. It consists of 42000 labelled images (28×28) of ... [Read more...]

Simulation: The modeller’s laboratory

August 10, 2012 | Corey Chivers

In his 2004 paper in Trends in Ecology and Evolution, Steven Peck argues: Simulation models can be used to mimic complex systems, but unlike nature, can be manipulated in ways that would be impossible, too costly or unethical to do in natural systems. Simulation can add to theory development and testing, ... [Read more...]

Olympic body match and 1:1 BMI

August 1, 2012 | Corey Chivers

In my morning attempt to read the whole internet before beginning work, I came across a program on the BBC website which allows you to see which Olympic athletes are your body doubles. Or rather, which athletes share your height and weight, and therefore your body mass index. Being a ... [Read more...]

Dynamical systems: Mapping chaos with R

July 13, 2012 | Corey Chivers

Chaos. Hectic, seemingly unpredictable, complex dynamics. In a word: fun. I usually stick to the warm and fuzzy world of stochasticity and probability distributions, but this post will be (almost) entirely devoid of randomness. While chaotic dynamics are entirely deterministic, their sensitivity to initial conditions can trick the observer into ... [Read more...]

Fumblings with Ranked Likert Scale Data in R

July 9, 2012 | Tony Hirst

The code is horrible and the visualisations quite possibly misleading, but I’m dead tired and there are a couple of tricks in the following R code that I want to remember, so here’s a contrived bit of fumbling with some data of the form: enjoyCompany tooMuchFamily 1 strongly agree ... [Read more...]

Do you still have time to sleep ?

June 11, 2012 | arthur charpentier

Last week, @3wen (Ewen) helped me to write nice R functions to extract tweets in R and build datasets containing a lot of information. I've tried a couple of time on my own. Once on tweet contents, but it was not convincing and once on the activit... [Read more...]

Simulating Euro 2012

June 11, 2012 | Corey Chivers

Why settle for just one realisation of this year’s UEFA Euro when you can let the tournament play out 10,000 times in silico? Since I already had some code lying around from my submission to the Kaggle hosted 2010 Take on the Quants challenge, I figured I’d recycle it for ... [Read more...]

Announcing The R markdown Package

June 4, 2012 | Jeffrey Horner

Many of you have heard about RStudio’s latest release and it’s new R Markdown feature. Today, I’d like to announce the markdown package for R, a tool for converting Markdown documents to HTML, created in collaboration with RStudio. It... [Read more...]

Distribution of Oft-Used Bash Commands

June 1, 2012 | Corey Chivers

Browsing today, I came across this little one-liner to display which commands I use most often. Here’s what I got: Yep, seems legit. I navigate and look at files a whole bunch (ls, cd, cat), and I do a butt tonne of editing (vim). I sudo like ... [Read more...]
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