
Maps with ggplot2

September 27, 2010 | James

The ggplot2 package offers powerful tools to plot data in R. The plots are designed to comply with the “grammar of graphics” philosophy and can be produced to a publishable level relatively easily. For users wishing to create a good map without too much thought I would recommend this worksheet. ...
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Clipping a Surface By a Polygon

September 8, 2010 | James

Background: A common function in standard GIS software enables users to create a raster surface and extract values or clip it based on a set of polygons. This may be used in cases where you want analysis to be constrained to within a town’s boundaries or a coastline. This ... [Read more...]

Read Compressed Zip Files in R

June 25, 2010 | --

One of the great things that I am learning about R is that it is really powerful as a data management tool.  I just found how to unzip files.  I could use Python for this in SPSS, but it just feels like it is more natural to do in R.  ... [Read more...]

M. Edward (Ed) Borasky

January 21, 2010 | Ed Borasky

Download "Getting Started with the Social Media Analytics Research Toolkit" (pdf, 1.25 megabytes) Download the Social Media Analytics Research Toolkit Media Inactivist, Thought Follower, Sit-Down Comic, Social Media Analytics Researcher, Former Boy Gen... [Read more...]

Changing the fonts in R plots

October 28, 2007 | James Keirstead

Tweet I use R to do almost all of my statistical analysis and plotting. It has a very steep learning curve but once you get into it, it’s very powerful and you can customise almost anything. The only problem is that these changes are not always obvious or easy ...
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