
Resources for Learning R (from books to blogs)

May 17, 2011 | Adam.Hyland

The information below will be periodically updated at the folowing permanent link: Searching for information on R sucks. Not only is the language name a letter of the alphabet (an ignominy it shares with C and some less well known languages), there is Pearson’s ... [Read more...]

OpenData + R + Google = Easy Maps

January 11, 2011 | James

The release of the R package “googleVis” has made the production of interactive maps through Google’s Chart Tools a simple task. Ignoring the some basic data manipulation the below map... [Read more...]

Installing rgdal on Mac OS X

November 2, 2010 | James

After running a spatial data analysis with R session today, it became apparent that there are one or two teething problems installing the important rgdal package on Mac OS X operating systems. The usual install.packages(“rgdal”) won’t work. My colleague Jon Reades did some digging around to find ... [Read more...]

Clipping a Surface By a Polygon

September 8, 2010 | James

Background: A common function in standard GIS software enables users to create a raster surface and extract values or clip it based on a set of polygons. This may be used in cases where you want analysis to be constrained to within a town’s boundaries or a coastline. This ... [Read more...]

Writing a Spatial Function: The Location Quotient

September 7, 2010 | James

Background: In some cases it is necessary to conduct the same analysis multiple times on either the same or different data. In such circumstances it is worth writing a function to simplify the code. In this example the location quotient provides a simple calculation easily written in to a function. ... [Read more...]

R Maps

September 6, 2010 | James

This is an updated version of my Making Maps with R tutorial. I think the code is lot simpler and it also includes some data for you to play around with. Background: Spatial data are becoming increasingly common, as are the tools available in R to process it. Of course ... [Read more...]

Free GIS Resources

January 26, 2010 | James

Over the last couple of days I have utilised some excellent free GIS resources. I have listed these and some others below. Geospatial Analysis: This is the free online version of de Smith, Longley and Goodchild’s excellent book by the same title. It provides full coverage of current GIS ... [Read more...]

Applied Spatial Data Analysis with R

August 25, 2009 | James

I have just reviewed the book Applied Spatial Data Analysis with R which has been published in the September2009  issue of the Royal Statistical Society’s Significance magazine. Applied Spatial Data Analysis with R is an accessible text that demonstrates and explains the handling of spatial data using the R ... [Read more...]

Documentation and tutorial roundup

June 4, 2007 | dataninja

I recently lost my documentation folder (oops), so I had to go online and retrieve the documentation files and tutorials that I find indispensible for working. I decided I’d save myself and everyone else the trouble by posting the list here. All of the files are available in PDF ... [Read more...]

R Language Module for TextWrangler (and a lot of other editors)

February 27, 2006 | dataninja

Via this page, I just learned that there is a TextWrangler Language Module for R. The file itself is available here. To install, copy the .plist file to the following directory Username/Library/Application Support/TextWrangler/Language Modules I also recommend going into TextWrangler’s preferences and changing the color ... [Read more...]

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