
highlight 0.1-5

February 13, 2010 | romain francois

pre{ border: 1px solid black ; font-size: small; } I've pushed the version 0.1-5 of highlight to CRAN, it should be available in a couple of days. This version fixes highlighting of code when one wants to display the prompt and the continue pr... [Read more...]

Rcpp 0.7.5

February 9, 2010 | romain francois

pre{ border: 1px solid black; font-size: x-small ; } Dirk released Rcpp 0.7.5 yesterday The main thing is the smarter wrap function that now uses techniques of type traits and template meta-programming to have a compile time guess at whether a... [Read more...]

Rcpp 0.7.2

January 13, 2010 | romain francois

pre{ border: 1px solid black ; } Rcpp 0.7.2 is out, checkout Dirk's blog for details selected highlights from this new version: character vectors if one wants to mimic this R code in C __ x [Read more...]

External pointers with Rcpp

January 8, 2010 | romain francois

pre{ border: 1px solid black ; font-size: x-small; } One of the new features of Rcpp is the XPtr class template, which lets you treat an R external pointer as a regular pointer. For more information on external pointers, see Writing R extensions... [Read more...]
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