
read raster data in parallel

August 18, 2012 | Tim Salabim

Use library(parallel) to read raster data in parallel fashion Use library(parallel) to read raster data in parallel fashion Recently, I have been doing some analysis for a project I am involved in. In particular, I was interested what role pacific sea surface temperatures play with regard to rainfall ...
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3D Maps in R

June 16, 2012 | arsalvacion

Talking about elevation, one can also plot a wire frame 3D view of an area using the persp function. Using the same data source from my previous post, 3D view of Marinduque, Philippines was produced using the following code below: ################...
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July 6, 2011 | Oscar Perpiñán Lamigueiro

The raster package defines classes and methods for spatial raster data access and manipulation. The new rasterVis package complements raster providing a set of methods for enhanced visualization and interaction. It is now at CRAN. Several examples can ... [Read more...]

Raster, CMSAF and solaR

June 17, 2011 | Oscar Perpiñán Lamigueiro

The Satellite Application Facility on Climate Monitoring (CMSAF) generates, archives and distributes widely recognised high-quality satellite-derived products and services relevant for climate monitoring in operational mode. The data is freely accesible here after a registration process. I have ask them for several files with monthly averages of global solar radiation ... [Read more...]

Great circles, raster, sp and lattice

May 20, 2011 | Oscar Perpiñán Lamigueiro

Recently I found a post at FlowingData with a detailed tutorial to map connections with great circles with R. The tutorial of FlowingData is excellent, but I feel more comfortable with the sp classes and methods, and with the lattice and latticeExtra packages. Besides, I want to use the free ... [Read more...]

Nightlights: cool data, bad geocoding

October 14, 2010 | Jeffrey Breen

A global source of population density has been on my low-priority wish list for some time, so I was very excited when I found Steve Mosher’s work with the Nighlights data set. “Nightlights” refers to the artificial lights seen from space at night. Astronomers call it “light pollution” which ...
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