
Selection in R

June 1, 2012 | John Mount

The design of the statistical programming language R sits in a slightly uncomfortable place between the functional programming and object oriented paradigms. The upside is you get a lot of the expressive power of both programming paradigms. A downside of this is: the not always useful variability of the language’... [Read more...]

Why I don’t like Dynamic Typing

February 25, 2012 | John Mount

A lot of people consider the static typing found in languages such as C, C++, ML, Java and Scala as needless hairshirtism. They consider the dynamic typing of languages like Lisp, Scheme, Perl, Ruby and Python as a critical advantage (ignoring other features of these languages and other efforts at ... [Read more...]

R annoyances

March 20, 2010 | John Mount

Readers returning to our blog will know that Win-Vector LLC is fairly “pro-R.” You can take that to mean “in favor or R” or “professionally using R” (both statements are true). Some days we really don’t feel that way. Consider the following snippet of R code where we create ... [Read more...]

CRU graph yet again (with R)

December 13, 2009 | John Mount

IowaHawk has a excellent article attempting to reproduce the infamous CRU climate graph using OpenOffice: Fables of the Reconstruction. We thought we would show how to produced similarly bad results using R. If the re-constructed technique is close to what was originally done then so many bad moves were taken ... [Read more...]

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