
Because it’s Friday: 7 billion-person ‘continents’

October 19, 2012 | David Smith

The population of the world has been over 7 billion for about a year now. But those seven billion aren't distributed equally around the globe. 1.2 billion people — about in India alone (despite it havingjust 2% of the world's land area). At the other end of the spectrum, the entire continent of Australia ... [Read more...]

Making random, equally-sized partitions

October 1, 2012 | is.R()

Sometimes, as with cross-validation, one needs to generate k partitions, each with an equal number of observations. There are probably an infinite number of ways this could be done in R, but the Gist below illustrates one way to do it in four lines, w... [Read more...]


September 11, 2012 | Wesley

One-Way ANOVA Analysis of variance is a tool used for a variety of purposes. Applications range from a common one-way ANOVA, to experimental blocking, to more complex nested designs. This first ANOVA example provides the necessary tools to analyze data using this technique. This example will show a basic one-way ... [Read more...]

Because it’s Friday: Reviews of Random Digits

October 7, 2011 | David Smith

If you dig around enough on Amazon.com, you can find some pretty odd products (like the Badonkadonk tank now sadly unavailable). Attached to these products you can often find a new form of comedy: the funny Amazon review. The products that attract such attention can be hard to fathom: ... [Read more...]

Hey! I made you some Wiener processes!

September 7, 2011 | Isomorphismes

Check them out. Here are thirty homoskedastic ones: __ homo.wiener for (j in 1:30) {  for (i in 2:length(homo.wiener)) {          homo.wiener[i,j] for (j in 1:30) {        plot( homo.wiener[,j],           type = "l", col = rgb(.1,.... [Read more...]

Happy Pi Day, Now Go Estimate It!

March 14, 2011 | Drew Conway

As you may know, today is Pi Day, when all good nerds take a moment to thank the geeks of antiquity for their painstaking work in estimating this marvelous mathematical constant. It is also a great opportunity to thank contemporary geeks for the wonders of modern computing, which allow us ... [Read more...]

Top 15 Daily Tweeters of #25bahman for the Past Five Days

February 16, 2011 | Drew Conway

My friend Michael Bommarito has been doing the data community quite a service, capturing and sharing all of the traffic on Twitter related to the Iranian protests. Specifically, he has all of the tweets containing the #25bahman hast-tag, and made them available for anyone to download. I am unable to ... [Read more...]

Statistical podcast: Random and Pseudorandom

January 14, 2011 | csgillespie

This morning when I downloaded the latest version of In our time, I was pleased to see that this weeks topic was “Random and Peudorandom.” If you’re not familiar with “In our time”, then I can I definitely recommend the series. Each week three academics and Melvyn Bragg discuss ...
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A Very Data Christmas

December 21, 2010 | Drew Conway

This week Google announced its Ngram Viewer, which allows you to explore the use of words in thousands of texts overtime, going back two hundred years. Given the relatively long time period covered by this massive data set, it is fun to explore how language has changed overtime. Some texts, ...
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Fun with infochimps: Animated Blog Post Hit Map

December 3, 2010 | Drew Conway

In a few weeks I will be visiting Chicago, and JD Long—the organizer of the local R users group—has graciously invited me to give a presentation. Ostensibly, the presentation will be on my recently released infochimps package, so I thought it was a good time to start actually ... [Read more...]

Because it’s Friday: Asteroids

November 12, 2010 | David Smith

A huge mass of rock hurtling in from space could really make a mess of your weekend plans. So it's comforting to know that the world's astronomers are out there keeping an eye for any potential earth-grazers. See their discoveries over the past 30 years in this beautifully-designed animation: Earth crossers ... [Read more...]

Benoît B Mandelbrot, 1924-2010

October 16, 2010 | David Smith

Benoît Mandelbrot, the father of fractals, died Thursday at the age of 85. His obituary in the New York Times covers his life and work, and is also a well-written introduction to fractals. Mandelbrot's famous book, The Fractal Geometry of Nature, was an inspiration to me in high school: that ... [Read more...]

Busting gay stereotypes with data

October 15, 2010 | David Smith

As a gay guy, you sometimes have to put up with some pretty offensive stereotypes that get thrown your way by extremists in the community and the media. These stereotypes are usually deployed in the form of anecdotes about how gay people are "promiscuous" or "corrupting". These misrepresentative anecdotes have ... [Read more...]

Because it’s Friday: I hate pennies

October 1, 2010 | David Smith

I was brought up in Australia, where we got rid of 1¢ and 2¢ coins in my childhood. Nobody missed them, at least as I recall. I certainly didn't: they were useless, even at the age when I might by lollies (candy) for 2¢ apiece. But then again, I'd never buy one, and ... [Read more...]
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