Time Series Matching with Dynamic Time Warping

January 20, 2012 | systematicinvestor

THIS IS NOT INVESTMENT ADVICE. The information is provided for informational purposes only. In the Time Series Matching post, I used one to one mapping to the compute distance between the query(current pattern) and reference(historical time series). Following chart visualizes this concept. The distance is the sum of ... [Read more...]

Object Oriented Programming in R

January 20, 2012 | Jason Bryer

As someone who was a Java programmer for many years learning R’s object oriented programming framework has been frustrating to say the least. I like the simplicity of S3 but find it limiting when you wish to write methods that change the underlying data elements. That is, printing, summarizing, ... [Read more...]

Hadley Wickham goes behind the scenes on ggplot2

January 20, 2012 | David Smith

Hadley Wickham, creator of the ggplot2 packages for R (as well as several others) will present a webinar on February 8 going behind the scenes of the popular graphics package. If you've never used ggplot2 before, this will be a great way to learn about the kinds of charts you can ... [Read more...]

Is your phylogeny informative?

January 19, 2012 | Carl

Yesterday my paper   appeared in early view in Evolution (author’s preprint),1 so I’d like to take this chance to share the back-story and highlight my own view on some of our findings, and the associated package on CRAN.2 I didn’t set out to write this paper.  I ... [Read more...]

Visualize your Facebook friends network with R

January 19, 2012 | David Smith

A few days ago, Romain François explained how to interface with the Facebook Graph API explorer with R. This was a low-level interface, giving the R programmer the ability to the raw data that Facebook can provide about your connections. Now, just four days later, the first application in ... [Read more...]

Internet surveys

January 18, 2012 | Rob J Hyndman

I received the following email today: I am preparing a thesis … I need to conduct the widest possible poll, and it occurred to me that perhaps you could guide me toward an internet-based way in which this can be done easily. I have a ten-question questionnaire prepared, that I wish ... [Read more...]

non-stationary AR(10)

January 18, 2012 | xi'an

In the revision of Bayesian Core on which Jean-Michel Marin and I worked together most of last week, having missed our CIRM break last summer (!), we have now included an illustration of what happens to an AR(p) time series when the customary stationarity+causality condition on the roots of ... [Read more...]

Look Over My Shoulder with Hangout?

January 18, 2012 | klr

Inspired by the post More Office Hours in 2012 and the survey results, I thought I would offer office hours while blogging/playing in R.  If anyone is interested, please send me an email at kent.russell at timelyportfolio.com, or just look for me ...
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RInside updated

January 18, 2012 | David Smith

The RInside package provides C++ classes that make it easier to embed R in C++ code on many platforms. According to a post from package co-maintainer Dirk Eddelbuettel, the package has just been updated to version 0.2.6 with improved support on Windows, and compatibility with R's standard random number generator. You ... [Read more...]

Running R2WinBUGS on a Mac Running OSX

January 18, 2012 | jebyrnes

I have long used JAGS to do all of my Bayesian work on my mac. Early on, I tried to figure out how to install WinBUGS and OpenBUGS and their accompanying R libraries on my mac, but, to no avail. I just had too hard of a time getting them ... [Read more...]

Time Series Matching strategy backtest

January 17, 2012 | systematicinvestor

This is a quick post to address comments raised in the Time Series Matching post. I will show a very simple example of backtesting a Time Series Matching strategy using a distance weighted prediction. I have to warn you, the strategy’s performance is worse then the Buy and Hold. ... [Read more...]

Quick Introduction to ggplot2

January 17, 2012 | Edwin Chen

For a much better looking version of this post (where code is actually readable!), see this Github repository, which also contains some of the example datasets I use and a literate programming version of this tutorial. Introduction This is a bare-bones introduction to ggplot2, a visualization package in R. It ... [Read more...]

Foreign Currencies and US 10y Treasury Yields

January 17, 2012 | klr

Since I explored the relationship between the Japanese Yen and the US 10y Treasury Yield on Friday, I thought it might be worthwhile to extend the exploration to a much broader range of currencies. I personally am most interested on how Asian Central B...
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NYT uses R to map the 1%

January 17, 2012 | David Smith

Last Saturday, the New York Times published a feature article on the wealthiest 1% of Americans. The on-line version of the article included interactive features like this interactive map showing where your household ranks in the country and in local regions. The print edition, however, included some different (and necessarily static) ... [Read more...]

CRdata.org to shut down?

January 16, 2012 | PR

If you’re one of the R-bloggers or useRs, most probably you had heard about Crdata.org. In the early day, they are two very R related cloud computing services, one is CloudNumbers, another is CrData.org. Recently, we (may) received an email by Hamid ... [Read more...]

Scraping table from any web page with R or CloudStat

January 15, 2012 | PR

Scraping table from any web page with R or CloudStat: You need to use the data from internet, but don’t type, you can just extract or scrape them if you know the web URL. Thanks to XML package from R. It provides amazing readHTMLtable() function. For... [Read more...]

Managing change

January 14, 2012 | Markus Gesmann

Why the old and new the need to share time togetherIt takes time to appreciate the new. Even if the new is much better than the old. But, it is easy to forget when you yourself created the exciting new.At the end of August 2011 Google announced a new B...
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