Kölner R User Meeting 30 March 2012

March 1, 2012 | Markus Gesmann

Am 30. März 2012 möchte ich gerne das erste Kölner R Benutzer Treffen organisieren. Ich habe an den Treffen in London in den vergangen Jahren teilgenommen und hoffe auch in Köln Gleichgesinnte zu finden, die sich gerne bei einem Kölsch über R and...
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R turns 12; R 2.14.2 is out

February 29, 2012 | David Smith

As promised by the R Core Group, R 2.14.2 is out. This is the final patchlevel of the R 2.14.x series (R 2.15.0 is due on March 30), and so R 2.14.2 will be the R engine for the next release of Revolution R Enterprise in a couple of months. Today also marks the 12... [Read more...]

A Direct Marketing In-flight Forecasting System

February 29, 2012 | ronan

This is an edited version of A Direct Marketing In-flight Forecasting System. The original article was written by Shannon Terry and Ben Ogorekm, Nationwide Insurrance, in order to enter the “Applications of R in Business” contest organised by Revolution Analytics. This is the winning entry of the contest. I added ... [Read more...]

ABC in Roma [R lab #1]

February 29, 2012 | xi'an

Here are the R codes of the R labs organised by Serena Arima in supplement of my lectures. This is quite impressive and helpful to the students, as illustrated by the first example below (using the abc software). I am having a great time teaching this “ABC in Roma” course, ... [Read more...]

Statistics project ideas for students

February 29, 2012 | leekgroup

Here are a few ideas that might make for interesting student projects at all levels (from high-school to graduate school). I’d welcome ideas/suggestions/additions to the list as well. All of these ideas depend on free or scraped data, which means tha... [Read more...]

Apprentice Piece with Lattice Graphs

February 28, 2012 | Kay Cichini

Lattice graphs can be quite tedious. I don't use them too often and  when I need them I usually have to dig the archives for the parameter-details.The here presented example may serve as a welcome template for the usage of panel functions, panel o...
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Exponential smoothing and regressors

February 28, 2012 | Rob J Hyndman

I have thought quite a lot about including regressors (i.e. covariates) in exponential smoothing (ETS) models, and I have done it a couple of times in my published work. See my 2008 exponential smoothing book (chapter 9) and my 2008 Tourism Management paper. However, there are some theoretical issues with these approaches, ... [Read more...]

RHadoop updated: improved performance and more control

February 27, 2012 | David Smith

Revolution Analytics' open-source RHadoop project, which provides integration between R and Hadoop, has been updated with the release of version 1.2 of the "rmr" package. New in this version: support for binary I/O formats, which improves on the text-only interfact by allowing use of faster and more space-efficient data formats ... [Read more...]

Revolution Analytics at Strata 2012

February 27, 2012 | David Smith

One of my favourite conferences, Strata: Making Data Work, starts tomorrow in Santa Clara, CA. Revolution Analytics is a proud sponsor, and I'll be there with the team to listen to some great talks and to meet other R users at our booth in the exhibition hall. There will be ... [Read more...]

Subsetting made easy

February 27, 2012 | Gregor

Calculating characteristics such as median, mean,… of a subset of data is quite straightforward in R: For a data set containing results from several “models”, a subset for the model “base” is created by Then, the median of the variable … Continue reading → [Read more...]

A Roma

February 25, 2012 | xi'an

Today, I am going to Rome for a week, teaching my PhD course on ABC I first gave in Paris. The course takes place in La Sapienza Università di Roma, from Monday till Thursday. There will be an R lab in addition to the lectures. (I have no further item ... [Read more...]

Why I don’t like Dynamic Typing

February 25, 2012 | John Mount

A lot of people consider the static typing found in languages such as C, C++, ML, Java and Scala as needless hairshirtism. They consider the dynamic typing of languages like Lisp, Scheme, Perl, Ruby and Python as a critical advantage (ignoring other features of these languages and other efforts at ... [Read more...]
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