See the wind

March 30, 2012 | David Smith

The image below isn't a bearskin rug in the shape of the USA. It's fact, it's a visualization of the wind flowing over the United States, as of 4PM EDT today, March 30. You can click through to see the current wind conditions, based on latest data from the National Digital ... [Read more...]

R 2.15.0 "Easter Beagle" is released

March 30, 2012 | David Smith

The R core group today announced the availability of R 2.15.0, codenamed "Easter Beagle". If you build R yourself, the new source distribution (including packages for Debian Linux) is available now, and binaries for Windows, MacOS and Linux will be available from your local CRAN mirror over the next couple of ... [Read more...]

Slow R graphics via SSH

March 30, 2012 | Adam M. Wilson

I do most of my R work on a server via SSH.  Viewing graphics (i.e. plot()) can be excruciatingly slow through the SSH pipe, but it's easy to make it fast.  Simply run:        X11.options(type="Xlib")once in the R session....
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Bootstrap example

March 30, 2012 | Eran

Bootstrap your way into robust inference. Wow, that was fun to write.. Introduction Say you made a simple regression, now you have your . You wish to know if it is significantly different from (say) zero. In general, people look … Continue reading → [Read more...]

See how Deloitte uses R for actuarial analysis

March 29, 2012 | David Smith

Many thanks to Jim Guszcza (Predictive Analytics lead at Deloitte Consulting and Assistant Professor at UW-Madison) who gave a great webinar presentation yesterday on actuarial analysis with R. Jim's demo (starting at the 20 minute mark in the video replay below) is a great way to get a sense of how ... [Read more...]

Updates to the Deducer family of packages

March 29, 2012 | Ian

Over the past month there have been a number of package updates in the deducer ecosystem. Deducer is a general purpose, extensible, data analysis GUI. It is designed to be a free easy to use alternative to proprietary data analysis software such as SPSS, JMP, and Minitab. It has a ... [Read more...]

Bigger data, better intelligence for government

March 28, 2012 | David Smith

Tomorrow (at 2PM Eastern on Thursday), the White House White House Office of Science and Technology Policy will host a 90-minute forum on Challenges and Opportunities in Big Data. You can watch the event live at the previous link, and see federal government science heads from OSTP, NSF, NIH, DoE, ... [Read more...]

Go faster R for Google’s summer of code 2012

March 28, 2012 | Derek-Jones

The R Foundation has been accepted for Google’s summer of code and I thought I would suggest a few ideas for projects. My interests are in optimization and source code analysis, so obviously the suggestions involve these topics. There are an infinite number of possible optimizations that can be ... [Read more...]

Students: Help improve R with the Google Summer of Code

March 27, 2012 | David Smith

The Google Summer of Code project provides funding for students to write and contribute code to open-source projects of interest to Google. And given that R is widely used at Google, it's certainly a project of significant interest. So for the fifth year running the R Project will mentor students ... [Read more...]

Levenshtein distance in C++ and code profiling in R

March 25, 2012 | Dzidorius Martinaitis

At work, the client requested, if existing search engine could accept singular and plural forms equally, e. g. “partner” and “partners” would lead to the same result. The first option – stemming. In that case, search engine would use root of a word, e. g. “partn”. However, stemming has many weaknesses: ... [Read more...]

Citations in markdown using knitr

March 24, 2012 | Carl

I am finding myself more and more drawn to markdown rather then tex/Rnw as my standard format (not least of which is the ease of displaying the files on github, particularly now that we have automatic image uploading). One thing I miss from latex is the citation commands. (I ... [Read more...]
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