The 50 most used R packages

April 5, 2012 | flodel

Ask anyone what makes R a great language, one argument that often comes back is its very active community. Proof is the impressive number of packages contributed by developers from all horizons and backgrounds. The CRAN website alone lists 3,725 p...
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Compete in the Data Science Hackathon, April 28

April 5, 2012 | David Smith

All around the world at noon GMT on April 28, data scientists around the world will compete in the world's first one-day International Data Science Hackathon, organized by Data Science London. Participants will receive a data set at the beginning of the event, and work in teams of 3-5 over the ... [Read more...]

Gaussian process regression with R

April 5, 2012 | James Keirstead

I’m currently working my way through Rasmussen and Williams’s book on Gaussian processes. It’s another one of those topics that seems to crop up a lot these days, particularly around control strategies for energy systems, and thought I should be able to at least perform basic analyses ... [Read more...]

R Structure Explained

April 4, 2012 | Frank Davenport

This post by Suraj Gupta explains it all. This is the firs time I have seen a  concise and accessible explanation of the R environment structure and why it matters.   Addendum: This one by Digithead is also pretty good [Read more...]

Resampling Hierarchically Structured Data Recursively

April 4, 2012 | BioStatMatt

That's a mouthful! I presented this topic to a group of Vandy statisticians a few days ago. My notes (essentially reproduced in this post) are recorded at the Dept. of Biostatistics wiki: HowToBootstrapCorrelatedData. The presentation covers some bootstrap strategies for hierarchically structured (correlated) data, but focuses on the multi-stage bootstrap; ... [Read more...]

Simulated War

April 3, 2012 | pssguy

I am quite interested in both Wars with sabres and Sabremetric WARs but the War I am most involved in is the card game. Unfortunately, it is one my six year old favourites and he is quite happy to while away the hours (literally) playing it with anyone pressganged into ... [Read more...]

Marketing optimization with LityxIQ

April 3, 2012 | David Smith

Marketing is one of the pioneering domains when it comes to applications of predictive analytics to Big Data. (For example, how Target used statistical modeling to predict demographic attribues of customers, like pregnancy, to target coupons.) To get such powerful insights into the hands of marketers, DC-area company LityxIQ provides ... [Read more...]

Web-Scraping in R

April 2, 2012 | diffuseprior

Web-scraping, or web-crawling, sounds like a seedy activity worthy of an Interpol investigative department. The reality, however, is far less nefarious. Web-scraping is any procedure by which someone extracts data from the internet. Given that it’s possible to get the internet on computers these days; web-scrapping opens an array ... [Read more...]

3-D graphing with Google

April 2, 2012 | David Smith

You probably already knew that you can draw mathematical equations in Google by typing the equation into the search box. For example, here's the Standard Normal density function: I can't find a way to embed the graph directly, but if you click on it you'll find it's interactive: you can ... [Read more...]

A better way of saving and loading objects in R

April 1, 2012 | ucfagls

Hadley Wickham (@hadleywickham) this week mentioned on Twitter his preference for saveRDS() over the more familiar save(). Being a new function to me, I thought I’d take a look… save() and load() will be familiar to many R users. They … Continue reading → [Read more...]
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