Low Volatility with R

April 12, 2012 | rbresearch

Low volatility and minimum variance strategies have been getting a lot of attention lately due to their outperformance in recent years. Let’s take a look at how we can incorporate this low volatility effect into a monthly rotational strategy with a basket of ETFs. Performance Summary from Low Volatility ... [Read more...]

In case you missed it: March 2012 Roundup

April 12, 2012 | David Smith

In case you missed them, here are some articles from March of particular interest to R users. New features in the latest version of ggplot2 include choropleths, violin plots, and improved annotations. A video demonstration of big-data Naive Bayes and Classification Tree models with Revolution R Enterprise for IBM Netezza. ... [Read more...]

Ggplot2 notes part 2

April 12, 2012 | George

Here is part 2 of my guide to using ggplot2. Scales Following on directly from the previous notes you can manually adjust the colours and shapes used in the chart if you don’t like the defaults, as shown in figure 1. … Continue reading &#8... [Read more...]

Fun Editing R Graphs in Inkscape

April 12, 2012 | inkhorn82

Last week, I read a chapter out of Visualize This by Nathan Yau.  I was, of course, delighted to see that he was championing the use of R.  One really cool thing that I learned from his book, and was very … Continue reading → [Read more...]

Weighted t-Test in R

April 12, 2012 | FelixS

Although there is a weighted.mean function in R, so far I couldn’t find a implementation of weighted.var and weighted.t.test – here they are (the weighted variance is from Gavin Simpson, found on the R malining list): ?View Code RSPLUS# weighted … Continue reading → [Read more...]

R, Julia and the shiny new thing

April 12, 2012 | Luis

My head exploded a while ago. Perhaps not my head but my brain was all mushy after working every day of March and first week of April; an explanation—as good as any—for the post hiatus. Back to the post title. … Continue reading → [Read more...]

Latex Allergy Cured by knitr

April 11, 2012 | klr

I have always known that at some point I would have to succumb to the power of Latex, but Latex has been uncharacteristically intimidating to me.  I finally found the remedy to my Latex allergy with the amazing and fantastic knitr package from Yih...
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The age of sail, visualized

April 11, 2012 | David Smith

As anyone who's ever played Civilization[*] knows, the advent of sailboats capable of crossing the oceans leads to an explosion of exploration, commerce and social development. And with the visualization below, you can see that explosion in action: Ben Schmidt used the R language and data recorded in by hand ... [Read more...]

Using SNA in Predictive Modeling

April 10, 2012 | Matt Bogard

In a previous post, I described the basics of social network analysis. I plan to extend that example here with an application in predictive analytics. Let's suppose we have the following network (visualized in R)Suppose we have used the igraph package ...
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R at the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau

April 10, 2012 | David Smith

The O'Reilly Radar blog has a lengthy and very interesting interview with the lead and deputy CIOs of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, the new US government agency devoted to consumer protections in the financial markets. In that interview, they talk about the many open-source tools used in the agency (... [Read more...]

How to plot lattice and ggplot2 graphs with FastRWeb

April 10, 2012 | ronan

With print() If you are an advanced R user, you probably know the lattice and the ggplot2 packages. They allow you to plot elegant graphics with less code (Hocking, 2009 and Sueur, 2010). If you know these two packages, you should hardly use plot() for your graphs. If you read my article ... [Read more...]

Piggybacking and Hopefully Publicizing R Experts

April 9, 2012 | klr

I was inspired by the Revolution Analytics blog post http://blog.revolutionanalytics.com/2009/11/charting-time-series-as-calendar-heat-maps-in-r.html on the d3.js style calendar heat map that Paul Bleicher from Humedica developed in R.  In an effo...
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Quick off the mark

April 9, 2012 | pssguy

With none of the top teams overimpressing this season, Alan Pardew’s performance with Newcastle – especially in the transfer market -is likely to see him receive coniderable recognition in the Manager of the Year award Recent acquisition, Papiss Cissé, has proved particularly fruitful with a brace against Swansea last time ... [Read more...]

Writing reproducibly in the open with knitr

April 7, 2012 | Carl

Sweave is something of a gold standard in reproducible research. It creates a dynamic document, written in a mix of LaTeX and R code where the results of the analysis (numbers, figures, tables) are automatically generated from the code and inserted into the resulting pdf document, making them easy to ... [Read more...]

Temperature Change in Ireland

April 7, 2012 | diffuseprior

Has Ireland gotten any warmer? Ask any punter on the street and they will happily inform you of wild swings, trends and dips. “Back when I was a child”, “when I was younger”, or “years ago” are the usual refrains. What’s the evidence? To answer this, I will use ... [Read more...]

The race for speed at the data layer

April 6, 2012 | David Smith

The competition amongst database vendors to create the fastest, most powerful "data layer" — the hardware and software to provide storage for Big Data with high-performance data processing — is clearly heating up. The Netezza appliance has been so successful that IBM has been racing to keep up with demand. SAP is ... [Read more...]
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