Dummies for Dummies

April 19, 2012 | diffuseprior

Most R functions used in econometrics convert factor variables into a set of dummy/binary variables automatically. This is useful when estimating a linear model, saving the user from the laborious activity of manually including the dummy variables as regressors. However, what if you want to reshape your dataframe so ... [Read more...]

Matrix vs Data Frame in R

April 19, 2012 | civilstat

Today I ran into a double question that might be relevant to other R users: Why can’t I assign a dataframe row into a matrix row? And why won’t my function accept this dataframe row as an input argument? A … Continue reading → [Read more...]

User Input in R vs Python

April 18, 2012 | Abraham Mathew

Both R and Python have facilities where the coder can write a script which requests a user to input some information. In Python 2.6, the main function for this task is raw_input (in Python 3.0, it’s input()). In R, there are a series of functions that can be used to ... [Read more...]

Efficient Frontier of Funds and Allocation Systems

April 18, 2012 | klr

I did a very basic experiment in Efficient Frontier of Buy-Hold and Tactical System where I determined the efficient frontier of the S&P 500 with itself transformed by a Mebane Faber 10-month moving average tactical allocation. The result was inter...
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knitr Performance Report-Attempt 2

April 18, 2012 | klr

Over the years I have changed my learning process from reading thoroughly first before proceeding to reading minimally and then applying immediately.  I very quickly see the gaps in my knowledge.  This method is far more painful but seems to ...
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When do you need all the data for Big Analytics?

April 18, 2012 | David Smith

In the 2012 edition of the SAP Sybase Capital Markets Guide, Revolution Analytics' Senior Advisor for Products and Strategy (and former CEO) Norman Nie writes about the "Five Benefits of Big Analytics". (You can also read his article at Enterprise Innovation.) Norman makes the argument that while sampling and aggregation are ... [Read more...]

Simple Moving Average Strategy with a Volatility Filter

April 18, 2012 | rbresearch

I would describe my trading approach as systematic long term trend following. A trend following strategy can be difficult mentally to trade after experiencing multiple consecutive losses when a trade reverses due to a volatility spike or the trend reverses. Volatility tends to increase when prices fall. This is not ...
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Revolution Analytics Spring Webinar Series

April 17, 2012 | David Smith

The webinar team at Revolution Analytics has put together a great program over the next couple of months. With a mix of guest speakers and Revolution Analytics staff, this series will cover topics as diverse as Big Data with R and Hadoop, integrating R with MS Office, spatial statistics with ... [Read more...]

How NOAA uses R to forecast river flooding

April 16, 2012 | David Smith

Thanks to the lower-than-usual snowfall over most of the US this past winter, there's low risk of major flooding as the snow melts this Spring (for the first time in four years!). Nonetheless, being able to forecast river flood events is of critical importance to local emergency managers, water & electric ... [Read more...]

Borrowing Ideas from Timely Portfolio

April 15, 2012 | systematicinvestor

I want to highlight two great Visualization techniques I discovered by reading the fine blog from Timely Portfolio. First method is based on the lm System on Nikkei with New Chart. Let’s visualize Strategy’s Long/Short/Not Invested periods by highlighting the underlying (i.e. buy & hold) with ... [Read more...]

Registration for R/Finance 2012 is Open

April 15, 2012 | Peter Carl

Registration has been open for a while, but I wanted to point out the pre-conference seminars. Registrations are strong this year, so if you’re interested you’ll need to sign up before they sell out. Register here… As you probably know by now, the fourth annual R/Finance conference ... [Read more...]

Sweeping through data in R

April 14, 2012 | Markus Gesmann

How do you apply one particular row of your data to all other rows?Today I came across a data set which showed the revenue split by product and location. The data was formated to show only the split by product for each location and the overall split by...
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Instrumental Variables without Traditional Instruments

April 14, 2012 | diffuseprior

Typically, regression models in empirical economic research suffer from at least one form of endogeneity bias. The classic example is economic returns to schooling, where researchers want to know how much increased levels of education affect income. Estimation using a simple linear model, regressing income on schooling, alongside a bunch ... [Read more...]

knitr Performance Report-Attempt 1

April 13, 2012 | klr

I get very excited about new R packages, but rarely is my excitement so fulfilled as with knitr.  Even with no skill, I have already been able to adapt the example Yihui Xie provides in his knitr Graphics Manual into a crude first version of a per...
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[not] Le Monde puzzle (solution)

April 13, 2012 | xi'an

Following the question on dinner table permutations on StackExchange (mathematics) and the reply that the right number was six, provided by hardmath, I was looking for a constructive solution how to build the resolvable 2-(20,5,1) covering. A few hours later. hardmath again came up with an answer, found in the ... [Read more...]

R Statistics Mobile Console (iPhone)

April 13, 2012 | CloudStat

I’m trying to make a mobile version of R-GUI, here is one (trying with iPhone emulator), not so beautiful, but still work. Try at CloudStat Mobile. Below are the screenshots: Homepage Web-based R Console Statistical Apps Directory ( R Apps ) ... [Read more...]

R’s continued growth in academia

April 13, 2012 | David Smith

Bob Muenchen has recently updated his report on the popularity of statistical software. With the updated analysis, we see that the R community remains as strong as ever: the number of contributed R packages continues its exponential growth rate, R maintains its dominance in online discussion, and has 20x the ... [Read more...]

Comparing all quantiles of two distributions simultaneously

April 13, 2012 | FelixS

Summary: A new function in the WRS package compares many quantiles of two distributions simultaneously while controlling the overall alpha error. When comparing data from two groups, approximately 99.6% of all psychological research compares the central tendency (that is a … Continue reading → [Read more...]
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