Mining for relations between nominal variables

May 1, 2012 | inkhorn82

The task today was to find what variables had significant relations with an important grouping variable in the big dataset I’ve been working with lately.  The grouping variable has 3 levels, and represents different behaviours of interest.  At first I … Continue reading → [Read more...]

Google BigQuery and the Github Data Challenge

May 1, 2012 | David Smith

Github has made data on its code repositories, developer updates, forks etc. from the public GitHub timeline available for analysis, and is offering prizes for the most interesting visualization of the data. Sounds like a great challenge for R programmers! The R language is currently the 26th most popular on ... [Read more...]

New R User Group in Cologne, Germany

May 1, 2012 | David Smith

The latest local R user group to join the fold is the Köln R User Group, now the sixth R user group in Germany. Their first group meeting will be on July 6, with presentations on ANOVA, ggplot2 graphics in Deducer, and writing R code with Emacs's Org-mode. If you're ... [Read more...]

What does this package look like?

May 1, 2012 | tuxettechix

In this post, I give a very simple trick to understand the way a package is organized, which functions are included in and how these functions depend from each others. The idea has been brought by one of my student, Soraya, who is currently working in a very hostile environment, ... [Read more...]

Information Age: graduates driving industry adoption of R

April 30, 2012 | David Smith

Information Age recently published a feature article devoted to the R language, "Putting the R in analytics". Says author Pete Swabey: Already popular in universities, there are signs that R is finding increasing adoption in the enterprise. This promises to lower the barriers of entry for advanced analytics, and may ... [Read more...]

French Global Factors

April 30, 2012 | klr

I have said it already in multiple posts, but Kenneth French’s data library is one of the most generous and powerful contributions to the financial community.  To build on Systematic Investor’s series on factors, I thought I should run some ba...
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Incompetence borne of excessive cleverness

April 29, 2012 | Derek-Jones

I have just got back from the 24 hour Data Science Global Hackathon; I was an on-site participant at Hub Westminster in London (thanks to Carlos and his team for doing such a great job looking after us all {around 50 turned up from the 100 who registered; the percentage was similar in ... [Read more...]

The Need for paste2 (part II)

April 29, 2012 | tylerrinker

This is Part II of a multi part blog on the paste2 function… In my first post on the paste2 function I promised a proof of a few practical uses.  The first example I have comes from psychometrics and comes out of … Continue reading → [Read more...]

mad statistic

April 29, 2012 | xi'an

In the motivating toy example to our ABC model choice paper, we compare summary statistics, mean, median, variance, and… median absolute deviation (mad). The latest is the only one able to discriminate between our normal and Laplace models (as now discussed on Cross Validated!). When rerunning simulations to produce nicer ... [Read more...]

The Need for paste2 (part I)

April 29, 2012 | tylerrinker

This is Part I of a multi part blog on the paste2 function… I recently generated a new paste function that takes an unspecified list of equal length variables (a column) or multiple columns of a data frame  and pastes … Continue reading → [Read more...]

Getting SASsy

April 29, 2012 | civilstat

Although I am most familiar with R for statistical analysis and programming, I also use a fair amount of SAS at work. I found it a huge transition at first, but one thing that helped make SAS “click” for me … Continue reading → [Read more...]

microbenchmarking with R

April 28, 2012 | tylerrinker

I love to benchmark.  Maybe I’m a bit weird but I love to bench  everything in R.  Recently I’ve had people raise accuracy challenges to the typical system.time and rbenchmark package approaches to benchmarking.  I saw Hadley Wickham promoting the … Continue reading → [Read more...]

R equivalents to SAS and SPSS procedures

April 27, 2012 | David Smith

With more than 5,000 R packages now available (from the CRAN and BioConductor repositories), for any statistical or data analysis procedure you can confidently say, "there's a package for that". To make it easier for SAS and SPSS users to find what they need in R, Bob Muenchen has updated his ... [Read more...]

The Best Statistical Programming Language is …Javascript?

April 27, 2012 | Tony

R-Bloggers has recently been buzzing about Julia, the new kid on the statistical programming block. Julia, however, is hardly the sole contender for the market of R defectors, with Clojure-fork Incanter generating buzz as well. Even with these two making noise, I think there’s a huge point that everyone ... [Read more...]

An academic programming language paper about R

April 27, 2012 | Derek-Jones

The R language has passed another milestone, a paper aimed at the academic programming language community (or at least one section of this community) has been written about it, Evaluating the Design of the R Language by Morandat, Hill, Osvald and Vitek. Hardly earth shattering news, but it may have ... [Read more...]

Real Time Structural Break

April 27, 2012 | klr

Yesterday as I played with bfast I kept thinking “Yes, but this is all in hindsight.  How can I potentially use this in a system?”  Fortunately, one of the fine authors very generously commented on my post Structural Breaks (Bull or Bear?...
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