A sociologist converts from Stata to R

May 7, 2012 | David Smith

Ph.D candidate in sociology Ethan Fosse just switched from Stata to doing 100% of his analysis with R. His reasons? If you want to do Bayesian analysis or graph modeled coefficients (or work with complex data structures more generally), then R is much easier than Stata due to the object-oriented ... [Read more...]

reshape (from base) Explained: Part II

May 5, 2012 | tylerrinker

Part II Explains More Complex  Wide to Long With base reshape  In part I of this base reshape tutorial we went over the basics of reshaping data with reshape.  We learned two rules that help us to be more efficient … Continue reading → [Read more...]

Ack! Duplicates in the Data!

May 3, 2012 | inkhorn82

As I mentioned in a previous post, I compiled the data set that I’m currently working on in PostgreSQL.  To get this massive data set, I had to write a query that was massive by dint of the number of … Continue reading → [Read more...]

Big Data Analytics with R and Hadoop

May 3, 2012 | David Smith

The open-source RHadoop project makes it easier to extract data from Hadoop for analysis with R, and to run R within the nodes of the Hadoop cluster -- essentially, to transform Hadoop into a massively-parallel statistical computing cluster based on R. In yesterday's webinar (the replay of which is embedded ... [Read more...]

what’s wrong with package comment?!

May 3, 2012 | xi'an

I spent most of the Sunday afternoon trying to understand why defining did not have the same effect as writing the line until I found there is a clash due to the comment package… The assuredly simple code produces an error message: This is quite an inconvenience as I need ... [Read more...]

An ivreg2 function for R

May 3, 2012 | diffuseprior

The ivreg2 command is one of the most popular routines in Stata. The reason for this popularity is its simplicity. A one-line ivreg2 command generates not only the instrumental variable regression coefficients and their standard errors, but also a number of other statistics of interest. I have come across a ... [Read more...]

reshape (from base) Explained: Part I

May 2, 2012 | tylerrinker

This Post Will Explain the Basics of Wide to Long With base reshape (part I) Often your data set is in wide format and some sort of analysis or visualization requires putting the data set into long format.  Hadely Wickham … Continue reading → [Read more...]

Yes, you need more than just R for Big Data Analytics

May 2, 2012 | David Smith

Douglas Merrill, former CIO/VP of Engineering at Google, writes in Forbes about using the R language for data analysis: Most folks with math-oriented graduate degrees will have written something in R, a non-commercial option for your big data analysis. So, great graduates from great graduate schools know great tools. ... [Read more...]

EU rules that computer languages cannot be copyrighted

May 2, 2012 | Derek-Jones

The European Court of Justice has published its decision in SAS v WPL; the title of the press release says it all “The functionality of a computer program and the programming language cannot be protected by copyright”. To summarise the background, World Programming Ltd developed a system that was capable ... [Read more...]

Measuring time series characteristics

May 2, 2012 | Rob J Hyndman

A few years ago, I was working on a project where we measured various characteristics of a time series and used the information to determine what forecasting method to apply or how to cluster the time series into meaningful groups. The two main papers to come out of that project ... [Read more...]

Next Kölner R User Meeting: 6 July 2012

May 1, 2012 | Markus Gesmann

The next Cologne R user group meeting is scheduled for 6 July 2012. All details are available on the new KölnRUG Meetup site. Please sign up if you would like to come along, and notice that there is also pub poll for the after "work" drinks. Notes fr...
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A gallery view for Craigslist

May 1, 2012 | flodel

As much as I love Craigslist, I sometimes find the interface a bit limited. My biggest wish? That there was an option for showing the search results as an image gallery, like eBay has. This could prove quite useful for browsing things like antiques,...
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