An example on sentiment analysis with R

June 21, 2012 | Yanchang Zhao

by Yanchang Zhao, RDataMining.com There is a nice example on sentiment analysis with R at . In the example, the Wikileaks cable corpus is analyzed to track US sentiments of other countries and their presidents over time. The example describes … Continue reading → [Read more...]

FDA: R OK for drug trials

June 21, 2012 | David Smith

In a poster (PDF) presented at the UseR 2012 conference, FDA biostatistician Jae Brodsky reiterated the FDA policy regarding software used to prepare submissions for drug approvals with clinical trials: Sponsors may use R in their submissions. The FDA does not endorse or require any particular software to be used for ... [Read more...]

Experimental Design: Problem Set

June 21, 2012 | Al-Ahmadgaid Asaad

QUESTIONSThe tensile strength of Portland cement is being studied. Four different mixing techniques can be used economically. The following data have been collected: MixingTechniques Tensile Strength (lb/in­­2) 1 3129 3000 2865 2890 2 3200 3300 2975 3150 3 2800 2900 3985 3050 4 2600 2700 2600 2765 Test the hypothesis that mixing techniques affect the strength of the cement. Use $\alpha=0.05$.Construct a graphical display as described in Section 3...
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UseR 2012 highlights

June 20, 2012 | David Smith

The eighth annual R user conference, UseR! 2012, has come and gone — and what an event it was! I've been to five useR! conferences so far, and each one improves upon the last. This year's conference at Vanderbilt was the best so far: an outstanding location (my first visit to Nashville, ... [Read more...]

Color Palettes in RGB Space

June 20, 2012 | Jeff Allen

Introduction I've recently been interested in how to communicate information using color. I don't know much about the field of Color Theory, but it's an interesting topic to me. The selection of color palettes, in particular, has been a topic I've been faced with lately. I downloaded 18 different sequential color ... [Read more...]

Factor Attribution

June 19, 2012 | systematicinvestor

I came across a very descriptive visualization of the Factor Attribution that I will replicate today. There is the Three Factor Rolling Regression Viewer at the mas financial tools web site that performs rolling window Factor Analysis of the “three-factor model” of Fama and French. The factor returns are available ... [Read more...]

useR 2012: impressions, tutorials

June 19, 2012 | civilstat

First of all, useR 2012 (the 8th International R User Conference) was, hands down, the best-organized conference I’ve had the luck to attend. The session chairs kept everything moving on time, tactfully but sternly; the catering was delicious and varied; … Continue reading → [Read more...]

Time Series Data Library now on DataMarket

June 19, 2012 | Rob J Hyndman

The Time Series Data Library is a collection of about 800 time series that I have maintained since about 1992, and hosted on my personal website. It includes data from a lot of time series textbooks, as well as many other series that I’ve either collected for student projects or helpful ... [Read more...]

CIO.com: R is a Big Data open-source technology to watch

June 19, 2012 | David Smith

CIO.com recently published its list of 9 open-source technologies to watch. Hadoop is first on the list, and second up is the R Project: R is an open source programming language and software environment designed for statistical computing and visualization. R was designed by Ross Ihaka and Robert Gentleman at ... [Read more...]

Where are the Fat Tails?

June 19, 2012 | klr

In Crazy RUT, I started to explore why the moving average strategy has failed for the last 2 decades on the Russell 2000.  I still do not have an answer, but I thought looking at skewness and kurtosis might help explain some of the challenge of be...
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google R style guide

June 19, 2012 | Tony

After writing several hundreds of lines of R codes, I start to pay some attention to my coding style. Fortunately, I find a document about R style guide in google code. Surprisingly, R is among the most popular programming languages, such as C++, objective-C, python, java and html. I didn’... [Read more...]

Dynamical systems in R with simecol

June 18, 2012 | Markus Gesmann

This evening I will talk about Dynamical systems in R with simecol at the LondonR meeting. Thanks to the work by Thomas Petzoldt, Karsten Rinke, Karline Soetaert and R. Woodrow Setzer it is really straight forward to model and analyse dynamical systems...
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Reproducible reports & research with knitr in R Studio

June 18, 2012 | Pairach

Arguably, knitr (CRAN link) is the most outstanding R package of this year and its creator, Yihui Xie is the star of the useR! conference 2012. This is because the ease of use comparing to Sweave for making reproducible report. Integration of knitR and R Studio has made reproducible research much ... [Read more...]

List of Free Online R Tutorials

June 17, 2012 | Pairach

According to the post on FREE online R tutorials from universities, I have received many email suggesting more and more tutorials. However some tutorials are not hosted in an academic institutes, so I decided to create this post to list such tutorials. If you know other tutorials, please kindly suggest ... [Read more...]
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