Outer Product of Character Vectors in R

July 19, 2012 | Isomorphismes

What follows is like a kata to strengthen your R fundamentals. The lovely stats in the wild recently posted some hott data analysis of Olympians’ ages and sexes. Because I’m annoyingly picky about graphics, I asked for his code so I could ... [Read more...]

Course at Monash (#1)

July 18, 2012 | xi'an

Here are the slides for the first day of my course at Monash University, Melbourne, in the Special Lectures in Econometrics, with a strong similarity with the slides of my course in Wharton, two years ago. (Be sure to check slide 67! If the update on slideshare works from my flat ... [Read more...]

Preparing public data for analysis with R

July 18, 2012 | David Smith

In most data science applications, preparing the data is at least half the job. Finding where the data lives, figuring out how to access it, finding the right records, filtering, cleaning and transforming the data ... all of this has to be done before the statistical analysis can even begin. Fortunately, ... [Read more...]

Project Euler — problem 15

July 18, 2012 | Tony

The 15th problem in Project Euler. Starting in the top left corner of a 22 grid, there are 6 routes (without backtracking) to the bottom right corner. How many routes are there through a 2020 grid? Mmm… walk in the … Continue reading → [Read more...]

The R packages in a data scientist’s toolbox

July 17, 2012 | David Smith

John Myles White, self-described "statistics hacker" and co-author of "Machine Learning for Hackers" was interviewed recently by The Setup. In the interview, he describes his some of his go-to R packages for data science: Most of my work involves programming, so programming languages and their libraries are the bulk of ... [Read more...]

Optical Art with R

July 16, 2012 | flodel

Last week, in a post entitled Bridget Riley exhibition in London, the author Markus Gesmann wrote an R script reproducing one of Riley's famous art pieces: Movement in Squares.This reminded me of my own first "brush" with Op art. It was in art class ye...
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Holt-Winters forecast using ggplot2

July 16, 2012 | Bart

R has great support for Holt-Winter filtering and forecasting. I sometimes use this functionality, HoltWinter & predict.HoltWinter, to forecast demand figures based on historical data. Using the HoltWinter functions in R is pretty straightforward. Let's say our dataset looks as follows; demand [Read more...]

Using integer programming in R to optimize cargo loads

July 16, 2012 | David Smith

Linear Programming is a mathematical technique used to find the values of some variables (within the bounds of some defined constraints) to find the maximum value of a quantity. For example, consider this problem from the FishyOperations blog: A trading company is looking for a way to maximize profit per ... [Read more...]

Project Euler — problem 14

July 16, 2012 | Tony

It’s Monday today! It’s work day! And I’ve already worked on computer for two hours. Time for a break, which is the 14th problem of Project Euler. The following iterative sequence is defined for the set of positive integers: n n/2 (n … Continue reading → [Read more...]

Linear programming in R: an lpSolveAPI example

July 14, 2012 | Bart

First of all, a shout out to R-bloggers for adding my feed to their website! Linear programming is a valuable instrument when it comes to decision making. This post shows how R in conjunction with the lpSolveAPI package, can be used to build a linear programming model and to analyse  ... [Read more...]

Processing Public Data with R

July 13, 2012 | pssguy

I use R aplenty in analysis and thought it might be worthwhile for some to see the typical process a relative newcomer goes through in extracting and analyzing public datasets In this instance I happen to be looking at Canadian air pollution statistics. The data I am interested in is ... [Read more...]

Applications of R at Google

July 13, 2012 | David Smith

At a talk I saw at the useR!2012 conference last month, Googler Karl Millar estimated that there are at least 200 active R users at Google, plus another 300+ occasional users participating in Google's internal R support list. But what are all these Google employees doing with R? A post from the ... [Read more...]

1-Month Reversal Strategy

July 12, 2012 | systematicinvestor

Today I want to show a simple example of the 1-Month Reversal Strategy. Each month we will buy 20% of loosers and short sell 20% of winners from the S&P 500 index. The loosers and winners are measured by prior 1-Month returns. I will use this post to set the stage for ... [Read more...]

Napa Valley wine tasting map: interactive version

July 12, 2012 | David Smith

Got some great reactions to the Napa Valley wine tasting map made with the ggmap package I posted on Monday. A couple of people asked if similar maps could be made for other wine regions (like Australia's Hunter Valley, or the Walla Walla region in Washington): provided you have a ... [Read more...]
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