
Fun with R: Clustering and MDS

May 5, 2010 | Millsy

I've seen K-means clustering, PCA, etc. done some over at Beyond the Boxscore and Baseball Analysts (and the now defunct Statspeak), but I thought I'd just check out some clustering on the young fantasy season using the traditional 5x5 categories with ...
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Modifying basic plots in R

May 4, 2010 | Luke Miller

Below is a walk-through of some of the basics of customizing plot in R. These are all based on the graphics package that comes in the base installation of R. Let’s start by making a basic plot in R. In the code snippets below, green text behind a... [Read more...]

Weighting model fit with ctree in party

March 15, 2010 | heuristicandrew

Conditional inference trees (ctree) in package party allows weighting which is useful when one classification outcome is more important than another. Useful examples are not difficult to imagine: in a marketing direct mailing, a false positive (non-res... [Read more...]

R Tutorial Series: ANOVA Tables

January 8, 2010 | John M. Quick

The commonly applied analysis of variance procedure, or ANOVA, is a breeze to conduct in R. This tutorial will explore how R can be used to perform ANOVA to analyze a single regression model and to compare multiple models.Tutorial FilesBefore we begin,...
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Plot ROC curve and lift chart in R

December 18, 2009 | heuristicandrew

This tutorial with real R code demonstrates how to create a predictive model using cforest (Breiman’s random forests) from the package party, evaluate the predictive model on a separate set of data, and then plot the performance using ROC curves ... [Read more...]

R Tutorial Series: Simple Linear Regression

November 26, 2009 | John M. Quick

Simple linear regression uses a solitary independent variable to predict the outcome of a dependent variable. By understanding this, the most basic form of regression, numerous complex modeling techniques can be learned. This tutorial will explore how ...
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R Tutorial Series: Scatterplots

November 12, 2009 | John M. Quick

A scatterplot is a useful way to visualize the relationship between two variables. Similar to correlations, scatterplots are often used to make initial diagnoses before any statistical analyses are conducted. This tutorial will explore the ways in whic...
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R Tutorial Series: Zero-Order Correlations

November 6, 2009 | John M. Quick

One of the most common and basic techniques for analyzing the relationships between variables is zero-order correlation. This tutorial will explore the ways in which R can be used to employ this method.Tutorial FilesBefore we start, you may want to dow...
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R has a JSON package

November 5, 2009 | nsaunders

Named rjson, appropriately. It’s quite basic just now, but contains methods for interconversion between R objects and JSON. Something like this: __ library(rjson) __ data json json [1] "{\"a\":1,\"b\":2,\"c\":3}" __ cat(json, file="data.json") Use cases? I wonder if RApache could be used to build an API that serves ... [Read more...]
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