
New CRAN package for R package development: devtools

June 23, 2011 | Markus

Yesterday, Hadley Wickham released his new package “devtools” at the CRAN repository. A great R package which supports the development process of R packages. R Packages are the fundamental unit of reproducible R code. The development of R packages is a complex topic and requires several additional tasks next to ... [Read more...]

Meet cloudnumbers.com at the UseR2011 conference in UK

June 21, 2011 | Markus

cloudnumbers.com provides researchers and companies with the resources to perform high performance calculations in the cloud. We currently focus on the well-known open-source statistics program R (https://www.r-project.org). R is a strongly functional language and environment for statistical computing. You can explore data sets, make graphical displays ... [Read more...]

High Performance Computing in the Cloud with cloudnumbers.com

June 10, 2011 | Moritz

Who we are cloudnumbers.com provides researchers and companies with the resources to perform high performance calculations in the cloud. We help our customers to fight epidemics, develop highly advanced drugs and manage financial risk. Our aim is to change the way research collaboration is done today by bringing together ... [Read more...]

Image color palette replacement

June 9, 2011 | Marc in the box

Here is an example of a function I wrote to change the color palette used in an image. The above example comes from a black and white original, although color images can also be used. The function first converts the image to grayscale in order to have ...
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Converting MATLAB and R date and time values

February 20, 2011 | Luke Miller

For some unknown reason, MATLAB codes its date/time values as the number of elapsed days starting from January 1 in the year 0000. R uses the equally arbitrary, but much more widespread POSIX/Unix epoch as a reference for time keeping, so that R’... [Read more...]

Screen Scraping, Mapping in R

February 19, 2011 | Earl Glynn

by Earl F. Glynn, Kansas Watchdog The PowerPoint slides below give an overview of screen scraping and mapping in R. Details with comments about many of the R statements can be found in these articles: Simple R Screen Scraping Example R Screen Scraping:... [Read more...]

R Reshape Examples

February 19, 2011 | Earl Glynn

by Earl F. Glynn, Kansas Watchdog The goal of this article is to describe how to “reshape” data from screen scraping to make analysis with existing tools easier. Background The Kansas Secretary of State published Nov. 2010 election results ... [Read more...]

Accessing NOAA tide data with R

February 18, 2011 | Luke Miller

Here's some R code that can be used to download archived tide height data from NOAA's CO-OPS OPeNDAP server. The code makes use of RCurl to send a URL query to the server, and then splits apart the resulting data into a data frame. [Read more...]

Simple R Screen Scraping Example

February 18, 2011 | Earl Glynn

by Earl F. Glynn, Kansas Watchdog The goal of this exercise is to show how to “screen scrape” data from an online web page using R. Additional articles will extend this example to scrape data from 105 Kansas county pages to form a statewide... [Read more...]

Listening for trends in US baby names over 130 years

January 25, 2011 | Ethan Brown

What happens when you mash together R‘s data crunching magic, Festival‘s speech synthesis power, and the audio wonders of the venerable music language Csound? You fall even more in love with free and open-source software, and you start hearing sounds like this: A single beat of the above ... [Read more...]
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