R packages

New CRAN package for R package development: devtools

June 23, 2011 | Markus

Yesterday, Hadley Wickham released his new package “devtools” at the CRAN repository. A great R package which supports the development process of R packages. R Packages are the fundamental unit of reproducible R code. The development of R packages is a complex topic and requires several additional tasks next to ... [Read more...]

another look at CRAN Task Views

May 26, 2011 | Nick Horton

We've been impressed with how helpful the CRAN Task Views are in guiding us in R as we wend our way through the huge number of add-on packages (3021 as of May, 2011). These are web pages that are maintained by volunteers with expertise in a specified ...
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R Chart

July 24, 2010 | C

Been meaning to write this for awhile...An R-Chart is a statistical quality assurance tool used to determine if a process is stable (and predictable).  It is intended to maintain and improve the quality of a process (a more formal definition is av...
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Make R speak SQL with sqldf

July 5, 2010 | C

The R community is unique as programming communities go.  Many users of R come from academia and have a relatively extensive mathematical background.  The R community has developed in relative isolation from some other areas of programming th...
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CRAN Search

June 30, 2010 | C

Here's a ditty to search the cran R packages by descriptioncranSearch = function(q=''){  library(XML)  u
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Plotting BP Oil Spill Testing Data using R

June 10, 2010 | C

The Deepwater Horizon Incident is in the U.S. headlines and on many peoples minds. The folks over at Revolution Analytics were even discussing this subject today. Several government sites including the NOAA have sections dedicated to the problem. In...
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The 1000 most-visited sites analyzed using R

June 5, 2010 | C

Ever wondered about which Computer and Electronics web sites get the most Page Views? Based upon data recently published by Google:The R program to create this graph is as follows:library(XML)# URL for the Google Datau="http://www.google.com/adplanner...
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GUI chart formatting with playwith

June 4, 2010 | C

There are a huge number of plots, annotations and parameters available in R for constructing charts and graphics. While looking through the R Programming wikibook I noticed a reference to a library called playwith. It provides a GUI that allows you ...
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April 30, 2010 | Christopher Brown

Come see my talk on hashes in R at useR! 2010. (http://user2010.org/) July 20-23 National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), Gaithersburg, Maryland, USA [Read more...]


February 17, 2010 | Christopher Brown

hash-2.0.0 has been released please read about it here: Earlier today, hash-1.99.x was released to CRAN. This is a stable release and adds some more functions to an already full-featured hash implementation. This version fixes some bugs, adds some features, improves performance and stability. You can read about the ... [Read more...]

packages and CRANtastic

August 24, 2009 | Nick Horton

Additional functionality in R is added through packages, which consist of libraries of bundled functions, datasets, examples and help files that can be downloaded from CRAN (the Comprehensive R Archive Network). The function install.packages() or the w...
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