
PC-Axis with R: pxR

July 24, 2011 | Oscar Perpiñán Lamigueiro

PC-Axis is a software family consisting of a number of programs for the Windows and Internet environment used to present statistical information. It is used by national and international institutions to publish statistical data. Programs in the PC-Axis family use a particular data file format (see the full PX-Axis data ... [Read more...]

1st Data Analysis Contest Using R

July 18, 2011 | Oscar Perpiñán Lamigueiro

Emilio Torres Manzanera has just announced the 1st Data Analysis Contest Using R: “Nestoria (http://www.nestoria.com/) is a specialized web search engine platform in house prices. Nestoria and Lokku Labs aim to improve the understanding of the public of the value of its databases. The company aims to ... [Read more...]


July 6, 2011 | Oscar Perpiñán Lamigueiro

The raster package defines classes and methods for spatial raster data access and manipulation. The new rasterVis package complements raster providing a set of methods for enhanced visualization and interaction. It is now at CRAN. Several examples can ... [Read more...]

Population pyramids in R

June 20, 2011 | Víctor Manuel García Guerrero

Some friends asked me about how to built population pyramids with confidence intervals in R. When I did my own probabilistic population projections, I had the same trouble, unfortunately there is no library to do that. So here I share the code I wrote:... [Read more...]

Raster, CMSAF and solaR

June 17, 2011 | Oscar Perpiñán Lamigueiro

The Satellite Application Facility on Climate Monitoring (CMSAF) generates, archives and distributes widely recognised high-quality satellite-derived products and services relevant for climate monitoring in operational mode. The data is freely accesible here after a registration process. I have ask them for several files with monthly averages of global solar radiation ... [Read more...]

solaR 0.24 at CRAN

June 17, 2011 | Oscar Perpiñán Lamigueiro

The version 0.24 of solaR is at CRAN and R-Forge. Some days before the 0.23 version was uploaded, but I had to make a quick fix to readMAPA: the url of http://www.mapa.es/siar has been changed to http://www.marm.es/siar. Moreover, this function has been renamed to ... [Read more...]

Great circles, raster, sp and lattice

May 20, 2011 | Oscar Perpiñán Lamigueiro

Recently I found a post at FlowingData with a detailed tutorial to map connections with great circles with R. The tutorial of FlowingData is excellent, but I feel more comfortable with the sp classes and methods, and with the lattice and latticeExtra packages. Besides, I want to use the free ... [Read more...]

Playing with robots

May 3, 2011 | arthur charpentier

My son would be extremely proud if I tell him I can spend hours building robots. Well, my robots are not as fancy as Dr Tenma's, but they usually do what I ask them to do. For instance, it is extremely simple to build a robot with R, to extract ... [Read more...]

Sustainable Futures conference in Manchester

May 2, 2011 | Oscar Perpiñán Lamigueiro

Recently, Kevin Ummel gave a short conference about his PhD research at the Sustainable futures – Tyndall Centre researchers’ international conference. His work, named “Optimizing worldwide deployment of wind and solar power technologies via a high resolution, linear programming model”, is built with R. He is using the solaR package for ... [Read more...]

Here comes the sun

May 1, 2011 | Oscar Perpiñán Lamigueiro

The solar irradiance incident outside the earth’s atmosphere is called the extraterrestial or extra-atmospheric irradiance. It is derived from the solar constant only with geometric equations. It can be easily calculated with the calcSol function of the solaR package. With this post I will show an example with some ... [Read more...]

Alpha shapes with R and lattice

April 7, 2011 | Oscar Perpiñán Lamigueiro

What are the alpha shapes?: “The concept of alpha shapes formalizes the intuitive notion of “shape” for spatial point set data, which occurs frequently in the computational sciences. An alpha shape is a concrete geometric object that is uniquely defined for a particular point set.[...] Alpha shapes are generalizations of ... [Read more...]

Maps of solar radiation

April 2, 2011 | Oscar Perpiñán Lamigueiro

The Atmospheric Science Data Center (ASDC) at NASA Langley Research Center offers several data sources. For example, it is possible to download a text file with the 22-year (July 1983 – June 2005) monthly and annual average of global horizontal irradiation. nasafile [Read more...]

merge with solaR

March 29, 2011 | Oscar Perpiñán Lamigueiro

The version 0.22 of solaR includes a new method, mergesolaR. It is designed to merge daily time series of several solaR objects. For example, we can obtain the daily irradiation of the whole set of meteorological stations of Madrid (Spain) and use this information to calculate the productivity of a grid ... [Read more...]

solaR 0.22 is at CRAN

March 26, 2011 | Oscar Perpiñán Lamigueiro

The version 0.22 of solaR is now available at CRAN. Besides, solaR is now registered at R-Forge. A new mergesolaR method has been defined for merging solaR objects. The calculation of the sunset time has been improved. The voltage dependency of the efficiency curve of the inverter is now included in ... [Read more...]
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