Numerical root finding methods use iteration, producing a sequence of numbers that hopefully converge towards a limits which is a root. In this post, only focus four basic algorithm on root finding, and covers bisection method, fixed point method, Newton-Raphson method, and secant method.
Read More: 1896 Words Totally [Read more...]
I’ve just uploaded a new binary of ProjectTemplate to GitHub. This is a draft version of the next release, v0.2-1, which includes some fairly substantial changes and is backwards incompatible in several ways with previous versions of ProjectTemplate. Foremost of the changes is that most of the logic ... [Read more...]
I recently decided to create two blogs as outlets for my research. The first (The Richness of Life) focuses more on the organisms I work with as an ecologist and my general interest as a student of natural history. This blog on Quantitative...
I started to develop GOSemSim package two years ago when I was not quite familiar with R. I am very happy to see that someone use it and found it helpful.
I try to learn S4 and redesign GOSemSim with S4 classes and methods in the pass two weeks, and ... [Read more...]
Welcome to my new category: ShortCut! Here I'll shortly explain some smart features, unknown extensions or uncommon pathways of going for gold.
Today it's about the Gnu R tool locator. [Read more...]
New York’s annual marathon took place yesterday. Watching a bit of it on television with my friends, I was struck by the much earlier starting time for women than men. Specifically, professional women started running yesterday at 9:10 AM, while professional men start running at 9:40 AM. (This information comes from ... [Read more...]
I recently created RMongo, a database access layer to MongoDB in R as an R package.
To install RMongo, download it from
R CMD install RMongo_0.0.17.tar.gz
I tried to mimic the RMySQL commands in RMongo. Bel... [Read more...]
Last night, Drew Conway showed me a fascinating graph that he made from the R package data we’ve recently collected from CRAN. That graph will be posted and described in the near future, because it has some really interesting implications for the structure of the R package world. But ...
R currently supports two internal OOP systems (S3 and S4), and several others as add-on packages, such as R.oo, and OOP.
S3 is easy to use but not reliable enough for large software projects. The emphasis of the S3 system was on generic functions and polymorphism. It’s a ... [Read more...]
We often use Gnu R to work on different things and to solve various exercises. It's always a disgusting job to export e.g. a matrix with probabilities to a LaTeX document to send it to our supervisors, but Rumpel just gave me a little hint. [Read more...]
The R Recommendation Engine contest is now live on Kaggle. Please head over there and start submitting your predictions for the test data set. Once you do, you can check the leaderboard to see how your algorithm compares with other people’s work. We know that there’s still plenty ... [Read more...]
Egon writes: Can someone please plot the BioStar users on a Google Map? Sounds like a challenge. Let’s go. 1. Harvesting user IP addresses BioStar user profiles (here’s mine) include a location field. It’s free text and optional, which means that location is missing or inaccurate for many ...
On Dataists, a new collaborative blog for data hackers that I’m contributing to, we’ve just announced a data contest that’s custom made for R users. To win the contest, you need to build a recommendation system for R packages. To find out more, check out the official ... [Read more...]
I’ve just released the newest version of ProjectTemplate. The primary change is a completely redesigned mechanism for automatically loading data. ProjectTemplate can now read compressed CSV files, access CSV data files over HTTP, read Stata, SPSS and RData binary files and even load MySQL database tables automatically. For my ... [Read more...]
I’ve just released two new packages for R: log4r and SortableHTMLTables. log4r is a minimal logging utility for R that’s inspired by the log4j family of logging tools. It has substantially fewer features than other logging tools for R, but it’s hopefully easier to ... [Read more...]
It would be nice if there were an R package, along the lines of RMySQL, for MongoDB. For now there is not – so, how best to get data from a MongoDB database into R? One option is to retrieve JSON via the MongoDB REST interface and parse it using the ... [Read more...]