plot symbols

Example 8.5: bubble plots part 3

September 14, 2010 | Ken Kleinman

An anonymous commenter expressed a desire to see how one might use SAS to draw a bubble plot with bubbles in three colors, corresponding to a fourth variable in the data set. (x, y, z for bubble size, and the category variable.) In a previous entries...
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Example 7.28: Bubble plots

March 22, 2010 | Ken Kleinman

A bubble plot is a means of displaying 3 variables in a scatterplot. The z dimension is presented in the size of the plot symbol, typically a circle. The area or radius of the circle plotted is proportional to the value of the third variable. This c...
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Example 7.15: A more complex sales graphic

October 13, 2009 | Ken Kleinman

The plot of Amazon sales rank over time generated in example 7.14 leaves questions. From a software perspective, we'd like to make the plot prettier, while we can embellish the plot to inform our interpretation about how the rank is calculated.For the latter purpose, we'll create an indicator of whether ...
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