Simulating a Queue in R

May 30, 2010 | Neil Gunther

In the GCaP class earlier this month, we talked about the meaning of the load average (in Unix and Linux) and simulating a grocery store checkout lane, but I didn't actually do it. So, I decided to take a shot at constructing a discrete-event simulatio...
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Load Testing Think Time Distributions

May 20, 2010 | Neil Gunther

One of my gripes about some commercial load testing tools is that they only provide a think time distribution (Z) that is equivalent to uniform variates in the client-script. If you want some other distribution, you have to code it and debug it yoursel...
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PDQ 5.0 is on the Launch Pad

April 4, 2009 | Neil Gunther

PDQ (Pretty Damn Quick) major release 5.0 is on the launch pad at Cape SourceForge. Because of a potential collision with the North Korean ICBM/satellite launch, we won't be filling the main liquid-hydrogen tank until next week (we don't want PDQ blame...
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Plotting PDQ Output with R

February 27, 2009 | Neil Gunther

One the nice things about PDQ-R (coming in release 5.0) is the ability to plot PDQ output directly in R. Here's a PDQ-R script, together with the corresponding graphical output, that I knocked up to show the effect on the throughput curve of adding mor...
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PDQ-R Lives!

February 22, 2009 | Neil Gunther

After some fiddling to get things linked correctly to the R binaries on my new Macbook, the first PDQ-R test model has run successfully! Here 'tiz ...This is an important step for PDQ development and is due entirely to the efforts of Phil Feller. Natur...
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