
R Package Automated Download

March 6, 2011 | Ralph

There are situations where we might want to run R on a standalone machine so need to download a (potentially) large number of packages to install on this system. Rather than having to through the pain of searching through CRAN to find the packages and all the dependencies and manually ... [Read more...]

highlight 0.1-8

May 21, 2010 | romain francois

I've pushed version 0.1-8 of highlight to CRAN. highlight is a syntax highlighter for R that renders R source code into some markup language, the package ships html and latex renderers but is flexible enough to handle other formats. Syntax highligh... [Read more...]

lme4 stands 4 Linear mixed-effects…

February 19, 2010 | Manos Parzakonis

There is a certain hype about mixed (and random) effects among statistician and analysts. You can show some love to Douglas Bates and Martin Maechler for maintaing the lme4 package for our cupid, R I copy the entity of the information of the projects page. Doxygen documentation of the underlying ... [Read more...]

Rcpp 0.7.7

February 14, 2010 | romain francois

pre{ border: 1px solid black ; font-size: small ; } A good 2 days after 0.7.6 was released, here comes Rcpp 0.7.7. The reason for this release is that a subtle bug installed itself and we did not catch it in time The new version also includes ... [Read more...]

highlight 0.1-5

February 13, 2010 | romain francois

pre{ border: 1px solid black ; font-size: small; } I've pushed the version 0.1-5 of highlight to CRAN, it should be available in a couple of days. This version fixes highlighting of code when one wants to display the prompt and the continue pr... [Read more...]

RProtoBuf: protocol buffers for R

February 4, 2010 | romain francois

We (Dirk and I) released the initial version of our package RProtoBuf to CRAN this week. This packages brings google's protocol buffers to R I invite you to check out the main page for protobuf to find the language definition for protocol buffers ... [Read more...]

Rcpp 0.7.2

January 13, 2010 | romain francois

pre{ border: 1px solid black ; } Rcpp 0.7.2 is out, checkout Dirk's blog for details selected highlights from this new version: character vectors if one wants to mimic this R code in C __ x [Read more...]

CPP package: exposing C++ objects

December 22, 2009 | romain francois

I've just started working on the new package CPP, as usual the project is maintained in r-forge. The package aims at exposing C++ classes at the R level, starting from classes from the c++ standard template library. key to the package is the CPP f... [Read more...]

Animation video of rgl in action

December 21, 2009 | Tal Galili

Duncan Murdoch just posted a youtube video presenting an animation clip of a 3d rgl object. Duncan even went further and wrote an explanation on how he made the video: here are the steps I used: 1.  Design a shape to be displayed, and then play with the animation functions to ... [Read more...]

new R package : bibtex

December 11, 2009 | romain francois

I've pushed to CRAN the package bibtex package The package defines the read.bib function that reads a file in the bibtex format. The code is based on bibparse The read.bib function generates an object of class citationList, just like utils::citation [Read more...]

Probability of hypercubes…

November 28, 2009 | Manos Parzakonis

…in R of course! There is a handy function to do those calculations. Normally (ahh!) you might resolve to a symbolic calculation package (Maple,Mathematica etc.)  but that is not the situation any more. The calculations are done with the mnormt package. Relevant functions exist in other packages as well (... [Read more...]

new R package : highlight

November 22, 2009 | romain francois

I finally pushed highlight to CRAN, which should be available in a few days. The package uses the information gathered by the parser package to perform syntax highlighting of R code The main function of the package is highlight, which takes a numb... [Read more...]

R parser package on CRAN

August 4, 2009 | romain francois

pre{ border: 1px solid black; font-family: "Courier New" !important; font-size: xx-small !important; } The parser package has been released to CRAN, the package mainly defines a function parser that is similar to the usual R function parse, w... [Read more...]

Colors in the R terminal

April 24, 2009 | Paolo

Today, I'd like to suggest a new R package that you can download from here. Still in its early development, the xterm256 package allows to print text in the R terminal using different colours. You can find more information here. The picture below depic...
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