null hypothesis

Null Confusion

January 25, 2011 | Adam.Hyland

Talking a bit with my friend Jarrod about math stats and econometrics, we both came to the conclusion that the standard presentation for basic inference is lacking. In an intro or intermediate applied statistics course you learn about first and … Continue reading →
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R Commander – hypothesis testing

June 16, 2010 | Ralph

The R Commander GUI can be used to perform classical hypothesis testing. There are menu options to undertake the variants on the t-test as well as tests on proportions or equality of variances for two samples of data. Fast Tube by Casper The “Statistics” menu provides access to various hypothesis ... [Read more...]

Example 7.16: assess robustness of permutation test to violations of exchangeability assumption

October 24, 2009 | Nick Horton

Permutation tests (section 2.4.3) are a form of resampling based inference that can be used to compare two groups. A simple univariate two-group permutation test requires that the group labels for the observations are exchangeable under the null hypothesis of equal distributions, but allows relaxation of specific distributional assumptions required by ...
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