
R 2.15.3 is released

March 1, 2013 | Tal Galili

Follows is the announcement today from Peter Dalgaard, for the R Core Team: The build system rolled up R-2.15.3.tar.gz (codename “Security Blanket”) at 9:00 [Read more...]

R 2.11.0 just landed…

April 23, 2010 | M. Parzakonis

The new version is here. R version 2.11.0 has been released on 2010-04-22. The source code is first available in this directory, and eventually via all of CRAN. Binaries will arrive in due course (see download instructions above). [Read more...]

R 2.11.0 due date

March 23, 2010 | M. Parzakonis

This is the announcement as posted in the mailing list : This is to announce that we plan to release R version 2.11.0 on Thursday, April 22, 2010. Those directly involved should review the generic schedule at The source tarballs will be made available daily (barring build troubles) ... [Read more...]

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