
Now I’m R-Blogging

July 10, 2011 | Martin Scharm

Today a lot of great mails arrived at my inbox. In one of them I was reading I’ve just added your feed to the site. Where did this mail come from? The sender of the email was Tal Galili. He is a researcher in BioStatistics at the Tel Aviv ... [Read more...]

Comparison of compression

April 4, 2011 | Martin Scharm

I recently wrote an email with an attached LZMA archive. It was immediately answered with something like: "What are you doing? I had to boot linux to open the file!" First of all I don't care whether user of proprietary systems are able to read open formats, but this answer ... [Read more...]

web content anlayzer

January 6, 2011 | Martin Scharm

Just developed a small crawler to check my online content at in terms of W3C validity and the availability of external links. Here is the code and some statistics... [Read more...]

Installing ‘intergraph’ package

September 17, 2010 | Michal

After some e-mails I decided to put together a bit more detailed instruction how to install the ‘intergraph’ package together with the namespaced version of the ‘network’ package. See here. There seemed to be some problems with downloading the namespaced ‘network’ from my webstite (thanks Neil!). File permissions were set ... [Read more...]

Namespaces and name conflicts

August 31, 2010 | Michal

R packages ‘igraph’ and ‘network’ are good examples of two R packages providing similar but complementary functionalities for which there are a lot of name conflicts. As for now the ‘igraph’ package has a namespace while the ‘network’ package (version 1.4-1) does not. This became an issue when I was ... [Read more...]

From igraph to network and back again

August 25, 2010 | Michal

In an effort to achieve this (last paragraph), I created a couple of functions to coerce networks as ‘igraph’ objects to networks as ‘network’ objects and vice versa. I wrapped them into a package called ‘intergraph’ which I just uploaded to my personal miniCRAN. Please mind, this is still an ... [Read more...]

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