
Make your own electoral map

November 7, 2012 | is.R()

You’ve already seen everyone else’s electoral map (see this amazing array of maps from 2008), how would you like to make your own? Today’s Gist allows you to do just that — input (manually!) state-by-state results, and output a... [Read more...]

R-NOLD 2012-05-23 05:48:00

May 23, 2012 | arsalvacion

Mapping Global Earthquake using XML and MaptoolsEveryday the US Geological Survey (USGS) publish earthquake data ( all over the globe. Using XML and maptool packages of R I d...
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useR! 2012 Conference

April 25, 2012 | ricckli

“Spatial data is, quite literally, everwhere” (Barry Rowlingson) this is so true! And because of that you guys will have the chance to take part in a great tutroial on using R for managing geospatial data, transforming, making maps and working with OGC standards. So visit this years useR! conference ... [Read more...]

Maps with R, and polygon boundaries

December 21, 2011 | arthur charpentier

With R, it is extremely easy to draw maps. Let us start with something simple, like French regions. Baptiste mentioned on his blog that shapefiles can be downloaded from website. Hence, if you extract the zip file, it is possible to ... [Read more...]

Example 8.31: Choropleth maps

March 22, 2011 | Ken Kleinman

In our book, we show a simple example of a map (section 6.4.2) where we read the boundary files as data sets and use SAS and R to plot them. But both SAS and R have complex functionality for using pre-compiled map data. To demonstrate them, we'll sho...
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Maps with R, part… n+1

January 11, 2011 | arthur charpentier

Following the idea posted on James Cheshire's blog (here), I have tried to play a little bit with R and Google. And it works ! Consider for instance life expectancy at birth (that can be found - and downloaded - here). Using the following code, it ...
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BioStar users (of the world, unite)

October 9, 2010 | nsaunders

Egon writes: Can someone please plot the BioStar users on a Google Map? Sounds like a challenge. Let’s go. 1. Harvesting user IP addresses BioStar user profiles (here’s mine) include a location field. It’s free text and optional, which means that location is missing or inaccurate for many ...
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Maps with ggplot2

September 27, 2010 | James

The ggplot2 package offers powerful tools to plot data in R. The plots are designed to comply with the “grammar of graphics” philosophy and can be produced to a publishable level relatively easily. For users wishing to create a good map without too much thought I would recommend this worksheet. ...
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Map of Upcoming Ruby Conferences

August 21, 2010 | C

One of the top searches on rubyflow is “conference”.  A recent post showed how to create a map with the location of the 2010 R User Conference.  So why not expand on the subject and create a map with numerous conference locations thr...
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U.S. Unemployment Data: Animated Choropleth Maps

August 4, 2010 | C

I was curious about creating maps with ggplot2 - and was happy to find that great minds have long since tackled this topic.  Folks who are interested in how to learn about R (and ggplot2) might be interested in the process.  (There should be ...
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Maps, Geocoding, and the R User Conference 2010

July 14, 2010 | C

The R User Conference 2010 is scheduled for July 20-23, 2010.  Wanna know where?Although there are more sophisticated methods of mapping with R the maps package makes mapping activities straightforward.  A bit of XML and Google...
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Maps without map packages

July 1, 2010 | dan

LATITUDE + LONGITUDE + OVERPLOTTING FIX = MAPS Decision Science News is always learning stuff from colleague, physicist, mathlete, and all-around computer whiz Jake Hofman. Today, it was a quick and clean way to make nice maps in R without using any map packages: just plot the latitude and longitude of your data ... [Read more...]
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