MacSci: a blog on macs, science and R

TextWrangler and R

January 10, 2009 |

R is an environment for statistical computing (see also ‘Data Analysts Captivated by R's Power’ in the New York Times) which I use on an almost daily basis. However, the included text editor is not all that great, and that is why I use Text... [Read more...]

Unmessing my pdfs.

June 1, 2008 |

If you google on ‘papers’, the first hit you’ll get is linking to mekentosj’ Papers program. The fact that it is the first hit on google shows that it is a popular program -- or at least that a lot ... [Read more...]

The disappearing mouse pointer…

May 31, 2008 |

While designing an fMRI experiment, I ran into the problem that the mouse pointer disappears as soon as you start typing on a mac. In itself it is actually a handy feature -- hiding the mouse pointer makes sense as long as you’re typing -- but no... [Read more...]

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