
Compcache on Ubuntu on Amazon EC2

May 4, 2010 | heuristicandrew

The following fully-automatic Bash script downloads, compiles, and initializes compcache version 0.6.2 on Ubuntu Karmic Koala (9.10). This script creates two swaps with a maximum of 4GB uncompressed size each. Two swaps are used to take advantage of 2 CPUs (or CPU cores in a multicore CPU). Compcache is a fascinating memory compression ... [Read more...]

Three Must-Have Books on Data Visualization

February 3, 2010 | Ed Borasky

Download "Getting Started with the Social Media Analytics Research Toolkit" (pdf, 1.25 megabytes) Download the Social Media Analytics Research Toolkit Disclosure As you probably know, I live in the Portland, Oregon area and have for many years. One of ... [Read more...]

M. Edward (Ed) Borasky

January 21, 2010 | Ed Borasky

Download "Getting Started with the Social Media Analytics Research Toolkit" (pdf, 1.25 megabytes) Download the Social Media Analytics Research Toolkit Media Inactivist, Thought Follower, Sit-Down Comic, Social Media Analytics Researcher, Former Boy Gen... [Read more...]

Start your engines; it’s a Linux era!

December 29, 2009 | Manos Parzakonis

Well, I’m writing this from my new system. After years on hiatus I migrated to Linux, once again. Setting up a full system on Linux for a Greek user had been one of the greatest challenges. First,of all setting up writing, reading & printing in Greek was the biggest ...
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email yourself when a script or a job is done

December 15, 2009 | Vinh Nguyen

i usually run long simulations in R on a remote server. i’ve read an article on linux journal about emailing yourself after something happens…i forgot. since my jobs are long, and i usually have to run multiple jobs sequentially, it’d be nice to look at my results ... [Read more...]

Top Five Open Source Projects of 2009

November 5, 2009 | Ed Borasky

Every year, I single out what I think are the Top Five open source projects. This year, there's only one hold-over from previous years, and it's likely that I'm just going to give it a Lifetime Achievement Award and pick five others next year. 5. NetBe... [Read more...]

What’s Happening, Man?

October 14, 2009 | Ed Borasky

topsyWidgetPreload({ "url": "", "style": "big", "title": "What's Happening, Man?" }); There is quite a bit of activity on the AlgoCompSynth front. As you may know, I’m a SUSE Studio subscriber, and I’m building openSUSE 11.1-based appliances there. One of ... [Read more...]

Rails, Scalability and Sexism

April 29, 2009 | Ed Borasky

It’s been a long time since I posted here, for a number of reasons: Change of focus from Ruby programming to Linux capacity planning, especially in the realm of I/O subsystems. You’ll find more about that at [Read more...]

Install JAGS and rjags in Fedora

January 23, 2009 | Yu-Sung Su

JAGS was developed to help those non-Window users to be able to use BUGS. However, I found it is very hard to install JAGS and its R package-rjags. Here is my note on how to install JAGS and rjags in Fedora 10. The note here should work for all Linu... [Read more...]
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