
R midterms

November 9, 2012 | xi'an

Here are my R midterm exams, version A and version B in English (as students are sitting next to one another in the computer rooms), on simulation methods for my undergrad exploratory statistics course. Nothing particularly exciting or innovative! Dedicated ‘Og‘s readers may spot a few Le Monde puzzles ... [Read more...]

ISBA towards higher computing goals [yet another new section!!!]

September 19, 2012 | xi'an

Surrounding the great and exciting gathering of Bayesian statisticians in Kyoto last June, several ISBA sections have appeared in the past weeks, as already mentioned on the ‘Og. Along with Anto Mira and Nicolas Chopin (who did most of the organisational work while I was wandering down under!), we discussed ... [Read more...]

My no loops in R hair shirt

July 27, 2012 | Derek-Jones

Being professional involved with analyzing source code I get to work with a much larger number of programming languages than most people. There is a huge difference between knowing the intricate details of the semantics of a language and being able to fluently program in a language like a native ... [Read more...]

Slow R graphics via SSH

March 30, 2012 | Adam M. Wilson

I do most of my R work on a server via SSH.  Viewing graphics (i.e. plot()) can be excruciatingly slow through the SSH pipe, but it's easy to make it fast.  Simply run:        X11.options(type="Xlib")once in the R session....
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Dennis Ritchie 1941-2011

October 28, 2011 | xi'an

I just got the “news” that Dennis Ritchie died, although this happened on October 12… The announcement was surprisingly missing from my information channels and certainly got little media coverage, compared with Steve Jobs‘ demise. (I did miss the obituaries in the New York Times and in the Guardian. The Economist ... [Read more...]

Music file graphs with R

May 22, 2011 | infominer

Today we will use R to extract some interesting summary statistics regarding the music files stored in the computer. For all mp3 files I keep certain metadata in their ID3 tag. We will use this information to explore the distribution of music files with respect to the year of release. ... [Read more...]

R 2.12 to 2.13 package upgrade

April 14, 2011 | nsaunders

If you: use Linux have just upgraded your R installation from 2.12 to 2.13 installed some/all of your packages in your home area (e.g. ~/R/i486-pc-linux-gnu-library/2.12) and… …are wondering why R can’t see them any more just do this: # at a shell prompt cp ~/R/i486-pc-linux-gnu-library/2.12 ~/R/... [Read more...]

A new series of mishaps

March 12, 2011 | xi'an

Following the slight difficulties of last week, I had a hard week on the computer front: indeed, on Monday, I received my 2007 macbook from the repair shop, with a new video card, courtesy of Apple. Unfortunately, this started a series of problems. First, the old macbook stopped recognizing the NVIDIA ...
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Disas-tea-R at dawn

December 16, 2010 | xi'an

This was bound to happen sooner or later, given my addiction to tea and sleepless nights, so I eventually managed to spill a cup of tea over my Mac… I had been working for a few hours in my hotel room in Philadelphia, completing an ABC paper with Jean-Michel Marin ... [Read more...]

The wonderful world of vim

July 20, 2010 | xi'an

When searching for a way to recover control carriage return symbols ^M into genuine ones (under vim), I found this handy page of vim tips. And then saw that the enthusiastic author had even a blog about vim! Obviously, this post will be meaningless for all readers not aware of ... [Read more...]

Shrinking R’s PDF output

June 17, 2010 | Adam M. Wilson

R is great for graphics, but I've found that the PDF's R produces when drawing large plots can be extremely large. This is especially common when using spplot() to plot a large raster. I've made a 15 page PDF full of rasters that was hundreds of MB in ...
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JAGS, rjags, and coda packages for Fedora

June 6, 2010 | Yu-Sung Su

Christopher has the RPMs (for Fedora users) for JAGS, coda, and rjags on his blog. The specific blog entry is here: If you have trouble installing JAGS or rjags in Fedora,... [Read more...]
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