Bayes on drugs (guest post)

May 20, 2012 | xi'an

This post is written by Julien Cornebise. Last week in Aachen was the 3rd Edition of the Bayes(Pharma) workshop. Its specificity: half-and-half industry/academic participants and speakers, all in Pharmaceutical statistics, with a great care to welcome newcomers to Bayes, so as to spread as much as possible the ... [Read more...]

A slice of infinity

July 27, 2011 | xi'an

Peng Yu sent me an email about the conditions for convergence of a Gibbs sampler: The following statement mentions convergence. But I’m not familiar what the regularity condition is. “But it is necessary to have a finite probability of moving away from the current state at all times in ... [Read more...]

Parallel JAGS RNGs

July 23, 2011 | malecki

As a matter of convention, we usually run 3 or 4 chains in JAGS. By default, this gives rise to chains that draw samples from 3 or 4 distinct pseudorandom number generators. I didn’t go and check whether it does things 111,222,333 or 123,123,123, but in any event the “parallel chains” in JAGS are samples [...] [Read more...]

Trip to Lyon

January 20, 2011 | xi'an

This was my first trip to Lyon in about… 35 years, I think, but I did not have much time to tour the city! My original plan was to go climbing with Ivan near La Meije right after the talk, but our respective knees were hurting for the past week at ...
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JAGS – Bayesian Analysis

December 6, 2010 | Daniel Hocking

JAGS is used for Bayesian analysis using MCMC and stands for Just Another Gibbs Sampler.  It is an alternative to WinBUGS and can be accessed through R just like WinBUGS (via R2jags or RJags).  It will work on a Mac unlike WinBUGS.  The ...
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CoRe in CiRM [3]

July 10, 2010 | xi'an

Still drudging along preparing the new edition of Bayesian Core. I am almost done with the normal chapter, where I also changed the Monte Carlo section to include specific tools (bridge) for evidence/Bayes factor approximation. Jean-Michel has now moved to the new hierarchical model chapter and analysed longitudinal  datasets ...
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JAGS 2.1.0 and rjags 2.1.0 are released

May 17, 2010 | Martyn

JAGS 2.1.0 is now available from Sourceforge.  You will find the source as well as binary packages for Windows and Mac OS X. Binary packages for Debian are available through the usual Debian channels, and packages for RPM-based Linux distributions … Continue reading → [Read more...]

JAGS 1.0.2 is released

May 9, 2008 | Martyn

JAGS 1.0.2 is now out. This is a patched release for the stable version, so there are no major changes in library functionality.   The major changes are: Memory leaks fixed. The rjags package now runs on Windows. A binary version … Continue reading → [Read more...]

A bugfix release for rjags

December 18, 2007 | Martyn

Several people have written in to tell me that rjags crashes if you  re-run a modelling script in the same R session.  The crash is caused by a memory management bug in the JAGS library that is triggered when you … Continue reading → [Read more...]

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