
Temperature Change in Ireland

April 7, 2012 | diffuseprior

Has Ireland gotten any warmer? Ask any punter on the street and they will happily inform you of wild swings, trends and dips. “Back when I was a child”, “when I was younger”, or “years ago” are the usual refrains. What’s the evidence? To answer this, I will use ... [Read more...]

Potential Output and the Irish Output Gap

May 14, 2011 | timeseriesireland

One prominent feature of early degree-level macroeconomics courses is the concept of ‘potential output’, which one could roughly define as the level of output (GDP) at which inflation is not ‘accelerating’. Potential output is of interest to macroeconomists when analysing the question of output gaps and macroeconomic stabilisation policies by ... [Read more...]

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