MCMSki IV, Jan. 6-8, 2014, Chamonix (news #1)

September 21, 2012 | xi'an

As advertised on the ‘Og, the ISBA mailing list and now the birth certificate of BayesComp (!), MCMSki IV is taking place for sure in Chamonix-Mont-Blanc, January 6-8 2014. The webpage has been started, thanks to Merrill Liechty, and should grow with informations about the location, the hotels, registration, transportation, and of ... [Read more...]

Adap’skiii program

October 19, 2010 | xi'an

We have just posted the (mostly definitive) program for Adap’skii, January 3-4, The Canyons, Utah. This is taking place just before and as a satellite of the larger MCMSki III conference, January 4-7, same location. The registration for the conference and for lodging is available through the  MCMCSki III ... [Read more...]

StatProb [wiki]

July 31, 2010 | xi'an

Via the [financial and technical] support of Springer, probability and statistics societies are launching a specialised wiki called StatProb. It operates as a wiki in that authors can submit short articles on any topic, with further co-authors joining in later to improve those articles, but with the contents guaranteed via ...
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