
Running R2WinBUGS on a Mac Running OSX

January 18, 2012 | jebyrnes

I have long used JAGS to do all of my Bayesian work on my mac. Early on, I tried to figure out how to install WinBUGS and OpenBUGS and their accompanying R libraries on my mac, but, to no avail. I just had too hard of a time getting them ... [Read more...]

Even Simpler Multivariate Correlated Simulations

August 31, 2010 | JD Long

So after yesterday’s post on Simple Simulation using Copulas I got a very nice email that basically begged the question, “Dude, why are you making this so hard?” The author pointed out that if what I really want is a Gaussian correlation structure for Gaussian distributions then I could ... [Read more...]

Stochastic Simulation With Copulas in R

August 30, 2010 | JD Long

A friend of mine gave me a call last week and was wondering if I had a little R code that could illustrate how to do a Cholesky decomposition. He ultimately wanted to build a Monte Carlo model with correlated variables. I pointed him to a number of packages that ... [Read more...]

Compcache on Ubuntu on Amazon EC2

May 4, 2010 | heuristicandrew

The following fully-automatic Bash script downloads, compiles, and initializes compcache version 0.6.2 on Ubuntu Karmic Koala (9.10). This script creates two swaps with a maximum of 4GB uncompressed size each. Two swaps are used to take advantage of 2 CPUs (or CPU cores in a multicore CPU). Compcache is a fascinating memory compression ... [Read more...]

How to Produce Fake Data Analysis in R: 3 Easy Steps

April 2, 2010 | Drew Conway

Did you really think that a team of researchers spent their weekends counting the number of shirtless adolescent men and exposed penises they could find on Perhaps you should not answer that, as it may be a better measure of your opinion of sociologist than gullibility. It is ... [Read more...]

Weighting model fit with ctree in party

March 15, 2010 | heuristicandrew

Conditional inference trees (ctree) in package party allows weighting which is useful when one classification outcome is more important than another. Useful examples are not difficult to imagine: in a marketing direct mailing, a false positive (non-res... [Read more...]

Plot ROC curve and lift chart in R

December 18, 2009 | heuristicandrew

This tutorial with real R code demonstrates how to create a predictive model using cforest (Breiman’s random forests) from the package party, evaluate the predictive model on a separate set of data, and then plot the performance using ROC curves ... [Read more...]

Delete rows from R data frame

October 8, 2009 | heuristicandrew

Deleting rows from a data frame in R is easy by combining simple operations. Let’s say you are working with the built-in data set airquality and need to remove rows where the ozona is NA (also called null, blank or missing). The method is a conce... [Read more...]

Not Just Normal… Gaussian

June 16, 2009 | JD Long

Dave, over at The Revolutions Blog, posted about the big ‘ol list of graphs created with R that are over at Wikimedia Commons. As I was scrolling through the list I recognized the standard normal distribution from the Wikipedia article on the same topic. Below is the fairly simple source ...
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