
Analysis of Facebook status updates

December 29, 2010 | David Smith

The Facebook Data Team has published an analysis of the status updates of Facebook users, by categorizing words according to the 68 categories of the Linguistic Inquiry and Word Count Dictionary, and tabulating the frequencies of their use. It's fairly interesting to see this kind of analysis applied to Facebook, but ... [Read more...]

Area plots unmasked

December 15, 2010 | dan

RESULTS OF THE GREAT AREA PLOT QUIZ If you are the type of reader who remembers things from last week, you may remember the great area plot quiz we had running. This week, we are excited to announce that the results are in. The plot above shows answers to the ... [Read more...]

Facebook’s Social Network Graph

December 14, 2010 | David Smith

Paul Butler, an intern on Facebook’s data infrastructure engineering team, was interested in visualizing the "locality of friendship". Luckily, he has some great data to work with: Facebook's social network of the friendships between its 500 million members. But visualizing that much data can be a challenge in its own ... [Read more...]

Choosing colors for your charts with RColorBrewer

December 9, 2010 | David Smith

If you're creating a bar chart in R, how do you decide what colors the bars should be? Or if you're creating an image plot, what range of images should you use? The colors you choose can not only affect the viewer's interpretation of the graphic, it can also determine ... [Read more...]

Data Visualization Practices at the New York Times

December 3, 2010 | David Smith

Amanda Cox of the New York Times' graphics department recently gave a great presentation to the New Media Days conference in Copenhagen and described how the Times uses data visualizations to reveal patterns, provide context, describe relationships, and even create a sense of wonder about the world. In the video, ... [Read more...]

Data visualization videos

November 29, 2010 | Rob J Hyndman

Probably everyone has seen Hans Rosling’s famous TED talk by now. I recently came across a couple of other exceptional talks on data visualization: Hans Rosling again: Let my dataset change your mindset. If only all statistics lecturers were this dynamic! David McCandless: The beauty of data visualization. Not ... [Read more...]

The Joy of Visualizations

November 29, 2010 | David Smith

This is a clip from the forthcoming BBC4 program, The Joy of Stats: The clip shows Hans Rosling (who we've profiled here before), plotting life expectancy versus income for various countries, and animating over time. The clip amply demonstrates that with the right presentation and story, even the simplest of ... [Read more...]

How to make beautiful bubble charts with R

November 23, 2010 | David Smith

Nathan Yau has just published at FlowingData a step-by-step guide on making bubble charts in R. It's actually pretty simple: read in data, sqrt-transform the "bubble" variable (to scale the bubbles by area, not radius), and use the symbols function to plot. It's the last step, though, that really ups ... [Read more...]

Remembering on 11/11

November 11, 2010 | David Smith

Today is Veterans Day in the US, and Remembrance Day or Armistice Day elsewhere in the world. Whatever you know this day as, it's a day for remembering the sacrifices of those who served. Drew Conway has commemorated the day in a touching yet saddening way, by visualizing with R ... [Read more...]

Help Mozilla visualize how people use Firefox

November 11, 2010 | David Smith

You might recall we posted a couple of weeks ago this chart summarizing the times of the day Firefox users switch on Private Browsing mode: The chart, based on data from the Mozilla Test Pilot program tells an interesting story about the habits of Web users. But what other interesting ... [Read more...]

Example 8.13: Bike ride plot, part 2

November 8, 2010 | Ken Kleinman

Before explaining how to make and interpret the plot above, Nick and I want to make a plea for questions--it's hard to come up with useful questions to explore each week!As shown in Example 8.12, data from the Cyclemeter app can be used to make interes...
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Keeping up with election results, with R

November 3, 2010 | David Smith

Yesterday's US election is pretty much over now: most of the results are in, the pundits have offered their political analysis, and there's even been a bit of mathematical analysis of the results, too. But last night as the results were flowing in, R user Brock Tibert just wanted to ... [Read more...]

Example 8.12: Bike ride plot, part 1

November 1, 2010 | Ken Kleinman

The iPhone app Cyclemeter uses the phone's GPS capability to record location and other data, and infer speed, while you ride. I took a ride near my house recently, and downloaded the data. I'd like to examine my route and my speed. A simple plot of ...
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The stimulus, mapped

October 29, 2010 | David Smith

Edward Tufte created this "Lights-On Map", animating the grants under the American Recovery and Investment Act (more commonly known as the Stimulus): Click the image to see the lights come on over time. It's a nice visualization of the distribution of the stimulus projects over the country and time, but ... [Read more...]

R is Hot: Part 4

October 28, 2010 | David Smith

This is Part 4 of a five-part article series, with new parts published each Thursday. You can download the complete article from the Revolution Analytics website. High Quality Graphics, Made Easy R is especially useful for generating charts and graphics, quickly and easily. The ability to create visual plots of complex ... [Read more...]

Example 8.11: violin plots

October 26, 2010 | Nick Horton

We've continued to get useful feedback and ideas from our posts on the combination dotplot/boxplot and other ways to craft similar displays. Another notion is the violin plot, which combines a boxplot and a (doubled) kernel density plot. While the ba...
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Winners of 2010 ggplot2 case study competition

October 18, 2010 | David Smith

The winners of this year's ggplot2 case study competition have been announced. I was honoured to be asked to be a judge of the competition this year, but it was a difficult job with so many excellent entries. In the end, the judging panel (which included Heike Hoffman and Hadley ... [Read more...]

Animated plots in R and LaTeX

October 12, 2010 | Rob J Hyndman

I like to use animated plots in my talks on functional time series, partly because it is the only way to really see what is going on with changes in the shapes of curves over time, and also because audiences love them! Here is how it is done. For LaTeX, ...
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