
ggplot2 for big data

October 21, 2011 | David Smith

(Hadley Wickham, author of ggplot2 and several other R packages, guest blogs today about forthcoming big-data improvements to his R graphics package -- ed.) Hi! I'm Hadley Wickham and I'm guest posting on the Revolutions blog to give you a taste of some of the visualisation work that my research ... [Read more...]

Lattice when modeling, ggplot when publishing

October 17, 2011 | Luis

When working in research projects I tend to fit several, sometimes quite a few, alternative models. This model fitting is informed by theoretical considerations (e.g. quantitative genetics, experimental design we used, our understanding of the process under study, etc.) but … Continue reading → [Read more...]

Setting plots side by side

October 11, 2011 | Luis

This is simple example code to display side-by-side lattice plots or ggplot2 plots, using the mtcars dataset that comes with any R installation. We will display a scatterplot of miles per US gallon (mpg) on car weight (wt) next to … Continue reading → [Read more...]

All combinations for levelplot

October 7, 2011 | Luis

In a previous post I explained how to create all possible combinations of the levels of two factors using expand.grid(). Another use for this function is to create a regular grid for two variables to create a levelplot or a … Continue reading → [Read more...]

The R Graph Gallery goes social

September 28, 2011 | David Smith

The R Graph Gallery, the website from Romain François that showcases hundreds of examples of data visualization with R, has new social features. Now, when you find a graph or chart you find appealing or useful, you can "Like" it on Facebook or "+1" it on Google+. This should be ... [Read more...]

Data Visualization doesn’t need to be biased

September 23, 2011 | David Smith

At the FlowingData blog, data visualization commentator and Visualize This author Nathan Yau lists 5 misconceptions about visualization: Software does everything (Nathan notes "Personally, I use a lot of R and have a lot of fun in Illustrator", but uses a lot of other tools as well.) Visualization is for making ... [Read more...]

A Note on Antoniak’s Approximation for Dirichlet Processes

September 21, 2011 | BioStatMatt

Antoniak's 1974 article titled Mixtures of Dirichlet Processes with Applications to Bayesian Nonparametric Problems (Annals of Statistics 2(6):1152-1174) is a fundamental work for most modern developments in this area. The article gives two expressions for the expected number of distinct values in a sample of size n, drawn from a Dirichlet ... [Read more...]

Quick labels within figures

August 26, 2011 | Karl Broman

One of the coolest R packages I heard about at the useR! Conference: Toby Dylan Hocking‘s directlabels package for putting labels directly next to the relevant curves or point clouds in a figure. I think I first learned about this idea from Andrew Gelman: that a separate legend requires ... [Read more...]

useR! Conference 2011 highlights

August 20, 2011 | Karl Broman

I was at the useR! Conference at The University of Warwick in Coventry, UK, last week. My goal in going was to learn the latest things regarding (simple) dynamic graphics, (simple) web-based apps, parallel computing, and memory management (dealing with big data sets). I got just what I was hoping ... [Read more...]

FastCompany on telling stories with data

August 11, 2011 | David Smith

An article in FastCompany today profiles two websites that excel in telling engaging stories with data: the FlowingData and OkTrends blogs. Both sites often use R for data analysis and data visualization, and have been featured here on this blog. FlowingData regularly posts guides on how to use R to ... [Read more...]

hacking .gov shortened links

July 30, 2011 | Harlan

This past Friday, the web portal to the US Federal government,, organized hackathons across the US for programmers and data scientists to work with and analyze the data from their link-shortening service. It turns out that if you shorten a web link with, the shortened link ... [Read more...]

Visualizing Kickstarter Projects with R

July 20, 2011 | David Smith

Kickstarter, a social funding platform where individuals can chip in cash to get a worthy project going, just celebrated their 10,000th kickstarted project. Kickstart employee Fred Benenson recognized the achievement by visualizing the funding of music, design, art, game and many other kinds of projects using R and ggplot2. For ... [Read more...]

Using R and Motion Charts to analyze financial data

July 15, 2011 | David Smith

We've noted before that with the RGoogleVis package, it's easy to make motion charts in R, and create a web-based interactive chart that reflects the synchronous movements of two or three variables over time. R user Jeffrey Breen has a great new blog post showing exactly how easy it is, ... [Read more...]

Paul Murrell on Incorporating Images in R Charts

July 13, 2011 | David Smith

Thanks to everyone at who attended last night's Bay Area R User Group meeting, and a special thanks to our hosts Socialize (a company that makes a mobile SDK for application developers that increases user engagement) who were very generous in letting the group use their San Francisco digs for ... [Read more...]

High-quality R graphics on the Web with SVG

July 7, 2011 | David Smith

If you want the graphics you create with R to look their best, in general it's best to go for a vector-based graphics format instead of a raster-based format. Common formats like GIF and JPG are raster-based: the image is composed of pixels, and if you don't choose a high ... [Read more...]
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