
Simple marimekko/mosaic plots

October 10, 2012 | is.R()

I don’t really care for the name “marimekko” or “mosaic,” but I do like this type of plot as a means of illustrating proportions in nested categorical data, or as an alternative to the parallel time series plots discussed... [Read more...]

Transforming a color scale

October 3, 2012 | is.R()

In developing plots, I often use color (or “colour” in ggplot2 parlance) to reflect values of a third, non-X/Y, variable. Depending on the distribution of this Z variable, however, the effective color range can be narrow, making it difficul... [Read more...]

A replacement for theme_blank()

October 2, 2012 | is.R()

ggplot2 has just hit 0.9.2, and with the change comes a new theme system. Previous versions of ggplot2 offered a theme_blank(), which was a stripped-down, essentially blank plotting canvas, but it is now deprecated. github user jrnold has produced a s... [Read more...]

Optimal seriation for your matrices

September 28, 2012 | is.R()

In our previous post, we used a quick-and-dirty method for ordering the axes on our heatmap. It has been pointed out to me that There is a Package for That (which is my nominee for a new slogan for R — not that it needs a slogan). seriation offe... [Read more...]

3-D animation of the changing Antarctic ice sheet

September 27, 2012 | David Smith

Last month we shared an visualization showing the changing extent of Arctic sea-ice. This visualization by the multinational Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources (CCAMLR) switches the view to the Southern pole and takes the visualization to a whole new level, by animating it in 3-D: The ... [Read more...]

Simplest possible heatmap with ggplot2

September 27, 2012 | is.R()

Featuring the lovely “spectral” palette from Colorbrewer. This really just serves as a reminder of how to do four things I frequently want to do: Make a heatmap of some kind of matrix, often a square correlation matrix Reorder a factor vari... [Read more...]

Visually-weighted regression plots, with Zelig

September 25, 2012 | is.R()

As a follow-up to yesterday’s post on producing visually-weighted regression plots, here is some code which illustrates the production of similar plots, but using Zelig’s convenient modeling and simulation functions. This code was produced... [Read more...]

Simple visually-weighted regression plots

September 24, 2012 | is.R()

There has recently been a lot of discussion of so-called “visually-weighted regression” plots. Folk hero Hadley Wickham suggests that such plots would be easy to implement with ggplot2, and so I have attempted to prove him right. The approa... [Read more...]

A video map of the hottest songs in the US

September 21, 2012 | Luba Gloukhov

Today's guest post comes from Revolution Analytics data scientist Luba Gloukhov — ed. As a big fan of R’s ever-expanding geospatial plotting capabilities, I jumped at the chance create a map using The Million Song Dataset (MSD). For each of the 10,000 songs in the million song subset containing non-missing latitudes & ... [Read more...]

How to use your favorite fonts in R charts

September 20, 2012 | David Smith

Today's guest post comes from Winston Chang, a software developer at RStudio — ed. When it comes to making figures in R, you can use any font you like, as long as it's Helvetica, Times, or Courier. Using other fonts that are installed on your computer can seem an impossible task, ... [Read more...]

Designing Data Apps with R at Periscopic

September 18, 2012 | David Smith

Today's guest post comes to us from Andrew Winterman, Data Designer at data visualization company Persiscopic. He shares with us the process of using the R language and other tools to create an interactive data application for a client — ed. The Hewlett Foundation contacted us a few months ago because ... [Read more...]

Visualize complex data with subplots

September 14, 2012 | David Smith

Today's guest post comes from Garrett Grolemund, a software developer at RStudio — ed. I think of graphs as a type of visual summary for data. Yet I rarely see graphs used this way within visualizations. Consider tile plots. They group data into 2d bins and then summarize each group with ... [Read more...]

Effective Graphs with R

September 13, 2012 | David Smith

Today's guest post is by Naomi Robbins, author of the Effective Graphs blog — ed. I write a blog on effective graphs for Forbes. David Smith invited me to write a guest post here that was a roundup of some of my Forbes posts where R was used. My use of ... [Read more...]

Tutorials for Learning Visualization in R

September 12, 2012 | David Smith

Today's guest post comes from Nathan Yau. Nathan runs FlowingData, a site on statistics and visualization, and is the author of Visualize This. Years ago, when I started FlowingData, the purpose of the blog was to catalog and think out loud about visualization, in its many varieties. In the beginning ... [Read more...]

Style your ggplot2 charts with Themes

September 5, 2012 | David Smith

An update to the ggplot2 "grammar of graphics" package for R is now available on CRAN. This version introduces "Themes" for ggplot2 charts, and makes it possible to define and re-use your own preferences for title fonts and sizes, tick marks, grid color, etc. The system is heirarchically defined, so ... [Read more...]

Three ways of visualizing the growth of Walmart

August 30, 2012 | David Smith

It's a wonderful thing when people make interesting data sets available to the public. When Thomas Jones wrote a paper in Econometrics about the growth of US retail giant Walmart, he made the data he collected about every Walmart store opening in history (location and date) available to the public. ... [Read more...]

Hadley Wickham’s ggplot2 basics

August 1, 2012 | David Smith

If you haven't made the plunge yet to making R graphics with Hadley Wickham's ggplot2 package, his "ggplot2 basics" slides (from the recent Introduction to Data Visualization and Analysis course at JSM) is a good place to start. Once you get the hang of the "grammar of graphics" notation, you'll ... [Read more...]

The Environmental Performance Index, visualized with R

July 31, 2012 | David Smith

The Environmental Performance Index (EPI) ranks countries on performance indicators for environmental public health and ecosystem vitality. Yale University hosts the EPI website, which was used to present the 2012 EPI Rankings to world leaders at the 2012 World Economic Forum at Davos. The Country Profiles section of the website allowed members ... [Read more...]
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