
Preparing public data for analysis with R

July 18, 2012 | David Smith

In most data science applications, preparing the data is at least half the job. Finding where the data lives, figuring out how to access it, finding the right records, filtering, cleaning and transforming the data ... all of this has to be done before the statistical analysis can even begin. Fortunately, ... [Read more...]

Importing public data with SAS instructions into R

July 10, 2012 | David Smith

Many public agencies release data in a fixed-format ASCII (FWF) format. But with the data all packed together without separators, you need a "data dictionary" defining the column widths (and metadata about the variables) to make sense of them. Unfortunately, many agencies make such information available only as a SAS ... [Read more...]

FDA: R OK for drug trials

June 21, 2012 | David Smith

In a poster (PDF) presented at the UseR 2012 conference, FDA biostatistician Jae Brodsky reiterated the FDA policy regarding software used to prepare submissions for drug approvals with clinical trials: Sponsors may use R in their submissions. The FDA does not endorse or require any particular software to be used for ... [Read more...]

Applications of R in Government

June 4, 2012 | David Smith

Following the announcement of the US Government Big Data Initiative, I was asked to write a small article about applications of R in government. The article has just appeared in Government Security News (and I believe will appear in their daily newsletter tomorrow). In the article, I highlighted several R ... [Read more...]

How NOAA uses R to forecast river flooding

April 16, 2012 | David Smith

Thanks to the lower-than-usual snowfall over most of the US this past winter, there's low risk of major flooding as the snow melts this Spring (for the first time in four years!). Nonetheless, being able to forecast river flood events is of critical importance to local emergency managers, water & electric ... [Read more...]

Canadian CPI: Visualization Brainstorm

May 27, 2010 | Wojciech Gryc

After finishing the R prototype for data visualization, I've started abstracting the various methods necessary to create beautiful graphs. While there's no preliminary version of the R package yet, I think I've taken a number of exciting steps. These include: Abstracting graph objects. Objects such as lines, scatter plots, and ... [Read more...]

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